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Snare of Love novel Chapter 753

Her arms which were dangling by her side seemed to be at a loss as to where she should position them.

Very soon, the elevator arrived, and Boyce urged her to enter first. She walked forward and waited on the side as Boyce entered next and pressed the designated floor. He then stood by her side.

Jasmine stole a peek at him but noticed that his face was indecipherable. She couldn’t guess what he was thinking.

She tried to start a conversation, “You guys are quite close.”

Boyce immediately knew what she was referring to. He nodded, “You’re right.”

A loud ding interrupted them and the elevator stopped moving. Boyce exited the elevator followed by Jasmine from behind.

Boyce opened the door to his house and entered it. The two of them remained silent for some time, but then they both spoke at the same time.

“You first…”

“You should take a bath first.”

The two of them exchanged a smile, and Jasmine added, “We smell like hot pot exactly. You should bath first, I’ll do it next.”

Boyce nodded.

She took a seat on the sofa in the living room, but her heart was still racing. She didn’t know what kind of mindset she should set herself in, and she couldn’t keep her thoughts from wandering.

As her mind wandered, the contents became more and more ambiguous. Her cheeks were blushed as she slapped her head lightly. What the hell was she imagining now?

To shift her attention away, she took the remote controller and switched on the television.

She changed the channels repeatedly, but after a dozen channels, she still couldn’t find some show to settle on.

At the same time, the sound of water gushing could be heard coming from the bathroom.

She looked in the direction of the sound and saw a vague outline of a huge figure on that semi-transparent glass door.

She couldn’t help but recall his muscular naked upper body.

She blushed again and thought that she must be crazy now. Why did she think of such a thing?

“Ah, ah…” She didn’t like to engage in such messy thoughts, but at the same time, she had no control over her mind. She vented her frustrations on a pillow on the sofa as she pinched and punched it.

However, she didn’t notice that the sound of water had stopped in the bathroom. She was still lost in her messy thoughts as she tried to dissipate them and calm herself down. However…

“What are you doing?” Boyce looked at her in confusion.

Jasmine raised her head with her hair cascading messily on top of it, and immediately she saw Boyce standing in front of her.

Boyce was draped in a white bathrobe and he looked like he didn’t dry his body well enough. Inside the loose collar, she could see water droplets resting on his chest, and they were glinting off the faint light in the room. The droplets slowly slid into underneath his bathrobe following his chiseled muscles.

Jasmine’s face got even redder as she stared at his body.

When did he finish bathing?

Jasmine blinked as she cowered at the thought of him seeing her maniacal behavior.

“Wh—When did you finish your bath?” Jasmine swallowed a mouthful as she stammered.

“Just now. What’s wrong with you, are you feeling unwell?”

Jasmine shook her head almost too quickly, “No, I—I need to take a bath now.”

After scouring her head for what felt like an eternity, she couldn’t come up with any good response. She quickly found herself some excuse and fled on the scene.

She disappeared into the bathroom and slammed the door without warning.

The mirror in the bathroom had an automatic defogging function, so through the clear mirror, she could clearly see her own embarrassing look.

Her expression was awkward, and she completely felt embarrassed at the moment.

If she could, she would have found a hole to bury herself into.

The whole thing was too embarrassing.

Would Boyce think that she was an insane person now?

Ah, ah, it was such an important day today. Why did she have to do something so stupid like this?

She couldn’t shake off the embarrassment at all.

“Jasmine, oh Jasmine, why did you have to embarrass yourself on such an important day?” Jasmine couldn’t help but wish for time to turn back. If she was given another chance, she wouldn’t do something like this.

Knock knock—

There was a sudden knocking on the bathroom door.


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