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Snare of Love novel Chapter 754

Jasmine mumbled some vague response under her breath.

They then entered the room under an ambiguous, inexplicable atmosphere.

The two of them sat by the bed. Boyce’s back was strangely straight, his palms on his laps slowly curled into fists.

Jasmine drooped her eyes and from time to time her eyelashes were seen trembling. Her hand was grabbing at her robe uneasily, and all of a sudden her hand was grabbed by someone. That had felt warm, and there were calluses on the inside, “Sit right here.”

Jasmine stood up and Boyce put his hand around her waist and led her to sit on his lap.

He looked up at her and asked in a hoarse voice, “Ar—Are you ready?”

Jasmine looked down at the floor and a strand of hair dropped across Boyce’s face. His boiling blood seemed to go up a notch as he raised his hand and lightly take the rein of her bathrobe. With a slight pull, the bathrobe came undone.

Jasmine’s body inadvertently tensed up, and she suddenly grabbed his hand only to see him looking at her. They were locking gazes.

With their eyes meeting, Boyce thought that she was afraid, so he ventured, “I guess you are not ready yet…”

Before he could finish his sentence, his lips were interrupted by Jasmine’s kiss.

The two of them finally broke through that imaginary veil separating them. With Jasmine’s initiation, everything began smoothly.

Boyce pushed him to the bed, and Jasmine suddenly felt bare naked from the front. She realized that her bathrobe had come undone.

She instinctively wanted to block her front, but Boyce grabbed her hand to prevent that, and his gaze slowly fell on her.

Her face was burning, and her heart was pounding uncontrollably.

Jasmine’s body developed pretty well, and although she was not the voluptuous type, she still had all the assets a woman should have. Her skin was fair, and her figure was curvy.

She bit her lips, “Do I need to buy some medicine?”

Boyce’s eyes were depthless and dark, and his voice was straining greatly, “What do you want that for?”

What’s more, was there any need to buy medicine?

“I’m talking about… birth control pills.” Jasmine still wanted to complete her studies first. She didn’t want to have a baby so early on.

“Eating that is not good for your health, right?” Boyce was a little frustrated. How could he forget this important thing?

He wanted to get up, but Jasmine hooked her arms around his neck and said, “I think it’s fine for me to eat that afterwards.”

She remembered that there was a type of medicine that could ward off pregnancy for as long as 72 hours after their intercourse.

Boyce pulled up her shirt and said, “I’m going to buy… a condom. It’s not good for your health to take that kind of pill.”

Jasmine nodded.

Boyce had a change of clothes before going out, and Jasmine covered herself with the blanket. Her whole body was buried within the fabric, with only her head sticking out. There was a faint blush on her face. Somehow, she liked this feeling.

This feeling of being taken care of, and getting loved by someone else.

She felt that she was the lucky one. Although her upbringing wasn’t all fairy tale, she was able to meet Boyce. He was mature and understanding, and he knew how to care for another.

She wished that she could graduate soon so that she could bear a child for him.

She wanted to see him being a father.

All of a sudden, this expectation was all she could think about.

Suddenly, a phone started to ring on the table. She looked at the source of the ringing and saw that it belonged to Boyce. He didn’t bring his phone when he went out.

She fetched it and saw that Armand’s name was on the caller’s ID.

After giving it some thought, she decided to answer the call.


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