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Sold To A Gang Leader novel Chapter 13


(I'm sold)

Couple of weeks later.

Somewhere in Mexico.

Dilly's POV

"Have you prepared the necessary files needed?" I questioned my secretary.

"Yes sir, the documents are all ready" she replied.

"So, when did Dillion say he is gonna be arriving?" I asked again.

"Um..he must be in the air now, I think he'll arrive before 9pm" she answered.

"Alright, prepare a ride for him. I can't go leave the office,I've got tones of work to do"I said and she replied with a "yes sir" before turning to leave.

I watched as her ass bounce as she walked away. She was on miniskirt. Always trying to seduce me.

I let out a smile but the smile got dissolved immediately a call entered my phone and I saw the name of the person calling.

What's wrong with her now? I thought and grumpily answered the call.

Naomi's POV - Dillion and Dilly's sis.

Oh gosh, where is that jerk head of a driver? Where on Earth did he go to? I thought angrily as I stood watching every other students leave.

I have to return home before Dillion arrives. Where is that jerk? I continued standing there under the hot sun until a Mercedes Benz pulled over in front of me, but that wasn't my ride. That isn't my car.

The glass of the car got rolled down and I saw the twins there.

Tine and Tina.

I threw my face away to pretend that I didn't't see them. I can't talk to them first.

"Hey Naomi, you want a ride, come on" Tine shrieked from inside.

"No thanks" I frowned my face and replied.

"Come on, seems your driver is no where around here and you also seems to be in a haste" she shrieked again.

I rolled my eyes and took slow steady steps towards their car. It was opened for me and I got in.

Tina was the one driving the car.

"Hey Naomi" she greeted.

"Hey" I replied simply.

"Um.. Naomi, I actually have a favour to ask of you" Tine started.

"Yeah, what is it?" I rolled my eyes and asked.

"Well...it's about your brother - Dilly..."

"Yeah, what about him?" I cut her in and asked again.

I saw her gulp as she continued.

"Can you help in getting the both of us closer?" She asked blinking like a Barbie.

I scoffed and turned to look at her directly in the face. Even tho she's about five years older but am still prettier.

"Seriously?" I titled my head.

"Yeah, can you?" She replied.

"Well no, I don't want you for him. You aren't good enough" I answered blurtly and her eyes almost popped out of it's socket.

"Hold on; Naomi what's that supposed to mean?" She gave me a disgusted face.

"It's simple. You aren't good enough for him" I stated.

"I want someone that doesn't behave like you. Someone more matured."

"Tina's relationship with Dillion didn't work out well, do you think I'll wanna give my other brother away to you? Your character is much more worse. Please stop the car, Dillion is coming over to Mexico today, I can't wait to see him" I smiled at the last part.

Tina screened the car to a halt and the twins kept staring at me with widened eyes as I stepped out of the car and quickly flabed down a cab to take me home.


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