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Sold To A Gang Leader novel Chapter 15

Sold To A Gang Leader

[He owns her]



Shawna's POV

I slept peacefully on the soft bed until I felt a tap on my thighs. I opened my eyes and rubbed the sleep away.

"Miss, you're been called to the dinning" a soft voice said.

I stared around the room until my eyes landed on the pretty maid there. I sat up properly to comprehend what she said.

"Dinning?" I asked.

"Yes miss, you're been called"she confirmed.

"Um.. okay" I put on the flip flop I saw by the bed side and followed her slowly from behind.

She took me down the stairs and to the large dinning there. There, I saw Dillion. His twin brother, Dilly, their sister and Luwis with the other unknown guy.

I immediately felt shy. I've never eaten on the same table with them before.

Why? Why can't they just serve me my own meal separately? I thought as I dragged my feet to an empty seat far from the siblings and sat down.

A maid dishing out the meals served me mine and I started eating slowly. My eyes didn't leave my plate, it just couldn't.

"But Dilly, why must we eat on the same table with them? Isn't it supposed to be just us?" She queried.

"Can't you just shut up and let me eat in f**k*ng peace? Must you always grouse over every thing?" Dilly answered her.

Yes, I could tell that it wasn't Dillion because their voice sounds different, not exactly different tho.

"Just shut up okay?" The guy beside me, the one with Luwis added.

"You!!" Naomi screamed.

I raised my eyes up to stare at her raging eyes.

"How dare you?" She fired then stood up and went to hit his head.

The guy only laughed together with luwis which obviously made Naomi so angry.

She then ran away.

Silence was the next thing that happened.

I glanced at Dillion's face and it was like he wasn't even here the whole time, it's like he is in another world.

It didn't take up to 10 minutes, he stood up and also left the dinning table followed by Luwis and that guy, I still don't no his name.

I made to also leave but Dilly's voice stopped me.

"Sit!" He's voice sounded so strict which made my heart beat faster.

I sat down back and stared at him wondering why he'd stopped me.

"You're Shawna right?" He questioned, his eyes on his food.

"Ye..yes.."I stuttered.

"Yes what? Weren't you taught how to respond to someone older than you are? How old are you anyways?" He questioned again.


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