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Sold To A Gang Leader novel Chapter 17

Sold To A Gang Leader

[He owns her]




Shawna's POV

We drove for a very long while before we arrived a road, it was really lonely. Neither cars nor humans could be seen but I sighted a black van with another black Jeep ahead.

Sam stopped in front of the vehicles then got out.

Luwis brought out that briefcase that contains whitish substance. The one I'd taken from that old man.

He handed it to me.

"The boss asked you to personally hand it over to them" he stated.

"Just act normal but walk classy and hand it over to the guy in their middle" he continued.

Then he brought out a black eyeshade and wore it on me by himself making me shift a bit.

He opened the car door for me and I stepped out, he came out after I'd wearing his own eyeshade.

"Where is it?" A guy who was smoking in between two other guys asked.

"Go, hand it over to him" Luwis whispered to me and I gulped hard and started together those guys, walking as sexy as I could.

I think I understand this job. They are into illegal dealings and you must act like them.

I got to their front and stretched forth the briefcase to them.

The one in the middle collected it from me, he eyes running all over my body.

He handed it over to the guy on his left.

The guy opened it and whispered something to him.

"We'll meet again beauty" he winked at me and they all got into their vehicle and zoomed off.

I removed my sunshade immediately and turned to see Luwis approaching me.

"You acted well" he said and touched my shoulder.

"Did you get the clip?" He turned towards Sam and asked.

"Yes" Sam replied bringing out a hidden camera with him.

"Okay good, now that it's done. Lemme take you somewhere you'll love" he said and grabbed my hand.

He helped me into the car, got into the driver's sit and ignited the engine.

Sam who was still busy with the camera turned to stare at him.

"Hey, what are you doing?" His eyes widened.

Luwis didn't reply him but started driving away.

"Hey!! Hey!!" The guy yelled.

Luwis brought his hand out from the window and bed him goodbye.

"Sweet walk" he added with laughter.

"Screw you! Screw you okay!?" Sam yelled obviously annoyed.

"Why did you do that?" I asked him.

"He has done it to me before, just paying him back" Luwis answered chuckling.

"But he is obviously angry, what if he does something more dangerous to you?" I asked again.

He turned and stared at me.


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