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Sold To A Gang Leader novel Chapter 23

Sold To A Gang Leader

[He owns her]




(Why are you avoiding me?)

Shawna's POV

I stayed inside my room thinking. Just thinking about anything until I heard a knock.

"Who..who is it?" I asked staring at the door. The door opened and Luwis showed up.

"What do you want?" I asked my eyes glittering.

"Well, it's time for dinner. Just decided to get you myself" he said.

"Um..um..I need to use the bathroom, you can leave. I'll join you and thanks" I said standing up on my feet.

I got to the bathroom door and tried going in but turned to see him still standing there leaning on the door.

I turned to ask him.

"Aren't you leaving? You can leave, I'll join you guys."

But instead he started approaching me. He got to where I stood and stopped.

"Why do I have this feeling that you're actually avoiding me? Did I do anything wrong? Did he get mad at you too much? I thought we were friends" he cooed starring directly into my eyes.

I blinked and took my eyes away from him.

"No.. no, of course not, just wanna wash my face then come down afterwards" I answered.

"Well wash your face, I can wait" he stated then took few steps backward.

Gosh! I don't even no how to avoid him.

I nodded and entered into the bathroom then washed my face.

I stared at the mirror there and sighed. I don't want Dillion to see us together.

What should I do? He looks nice, I can't bring myself to tell him the truth. And he is my first male friend.

I bit my lower lips in thought but decided to let it go.

I walked out to meet him then we both left for the dinning.

I walked slowly behind him fiddling with my cloth.

We got to the dinning and luckily. Just so luckily for me, neither Dillion, Dilly or Naomi was present, the only person sited there was Sam.

He's legs were placed on top of another dinning chair while he pressed his phone.

I sat down a bit far from both he and Luwis in relieve and after about 10 minutes I started hearing footsteps behind me.

I turned to see that guy again. Hold on, is he joining us for dinner?

But who the hell is he? Will he continue staying here even after tonight? I wondered and tried not to look at him.

Naomi dragged him to the other side and they both sat facing me. Not directly tho.

"So Andrew, what exactly will you like for dinner? I can tell the maids to start preparing it before my brothers show up" Naomi asked the guy.

"Umm...I'm okay with anything, I'm always okay with anything" the guy...wait...Andrew replied her.

"Come on" Naomi pouted like a baby and I heard Sam scoff.

I turned to look at him and found him glaring at them both. I don't really understand his eyes but I know he is displeased.


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