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Sold To A Gang Leader novel Chapter 32


(Two faced)

Shawna's POV

I tightened my eyes waiting for the time that I'm gonna die but nothing happened.

With my hands covering my both eyes, I wondered what was going on.

I instead heard the door open.

I uncovered my eyes to see that the truck stopped right in front of us and Dillion is already outside the car.

The urge to puke came again and I opened the other side and immediately released everything inside my mouth. I feel weak, scared, sick. I feel all the terrible things in the world.

The driver of the truck came down with a parcel.

"Boss" I heard him call.

"Sorry for coming late" the driver said confusing me.

Do they know each other or what?

He handed the parcel to Dillion who collected it and peeped into it.

"How are the others?" Dillion asked his eyes on the parcel.

"They are good boss but um...I have got a problem" the guy said.

"What is it?" Dillion asked looking up to him.

"The cops, they are on my tail and they'll be here anytime soon";the guy replied.

Oh my gosh! The cops? I thought.

"You know how to avert them, don't you?" Dillion asked him.

"Of course, I'm just worrying, since it's already with you. You might want to leave now. If they get me they can't get anything out of me now" he said.

"They can't get me either if that's what you're worrying about, go on. Be careful" Dillion said for the first time in a cool concerned tone.

"Yes sir" the guy replied and bowed a little before turning back to his truck.

He got in, started the truck, moved back and left.

It didn't take up to five minutes,we started hearing the cops siren.

Dillion turned to look at me, he probably hasn't noticed until now that I am outside. He's eyes went down to the stuff I vomited and he made an irritated face which got me embarrassed.

I wiped my mouth clean with my hand and wanted to open the door but he stopped me.

"Hey wait" he hushed and went to the booth. He brought out a table water and threw it to me.

I collected it in relief, I washed my mouth, my hands and even my face.

By the time I was done the cops already showed up. About three of the cops car stopped around us. Two cops men came down from the car and came to us.

"Hey, did you see any truck around here?" One of them asked staring at Dillion.

Dillion wasn't looking at them, he was doing something or hiding the parcel inside the car.

"No" he answered bringing his head out of the car.

"Oh Mr Mark" the cop exclaimed and he's eyes diverted to me.

"I'm so sorry, I never knew you were the one" the cop apologized.


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