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Sold To A Gang Leader novel Chapter 35




(F**k*ng dubious)

Hours later.

Luwis's POV

"What is it Luwis? You're moody" Sam asked.

"Nothing, I'm cool" I replied him.

"You're not. You aren't always like this. Lemme guess, it's Shawna right? Did something happen between you two?" He went on and asked again.

I shrugged and then narrated what had happened between the both of us to him.

"Well, I warned you not to let the boss know but you did anyways. Didn't you want this to happen? You said you'll like it if he gets mad at her right? Then why are you like this now?" he scoffed and asked.

"You're crazy, I never wanted her to end up here or even get mad at me. I didn't know this was gonna happen...I mean I didn't expect her to be here but guess I should have listened to you" I muttered.

He sighed and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"You're a brother luwis, get your eyes of Shawna now. Before it's too late, you know you can never have her, it isn't possible" he said but it angered me.

"That's a lie, don't utter shit again. You know nothing okay?" I snarled and he flinched. I guess he didn't expect that reaction from me.

I stood up on my feet and made to leave.

"Come on, are you mad at me? I'm sorry" he apologized as I left him there. Was still in the hospital. Now I'm headed outside to go smoke.

Can't get hold of myself anymore.

As I strolled through the hallway, a familiar face walked pass me in a dark hoodie.

I turned and looked at the person.

He looks familiar, I thought and made to continue going on my way but suddenly recalled him.

That Matthias guy. "Shit!" I cussed as I followed him but the nigga is pretty smart.

He sensed me out real fast and increased his walking pace.

This is a hospital, we can't run in it else I would have ran to him and dealt with him but I just walked after him.

He took a turn that led to a different pathway, I followed after him and when he finally got outside. He started running, I didn't waste time I followed him up.

He ran into the streets and I followed after him.

Everything about him, the way he suspects and senses out things fast. He is a good bastard, he is probably born into this game. Well, I wasn't born into it but I grew up in it so I took a quick turn and jumped out from the front surprising him.

He halted and started taking quick steps back.

"Bastard, do you miss me?" I breathed in and out sharply because of the distance I had to run.

He continued moving backward, the hoodie covering almost all part of his face.

I got to him as he was about to run off and pulled him down to the ground and then punched him.

Then pulled the hoodie away from his face and gasped.

"Damn!" He is not the one. This is just a kid.

I looked up to see him 'the bastard'. He was staring at me from a mile, a smirk on his face.

I know what he did, he managed to trick me by switching dress with his boy here.

"F**k!" I cussed again as I got up from the boy who was already bleeding.

He is smart! F**k*ng dubious.

Shawna's POV

I stayed with Beatrice for long. She told me a lot of things that was funny and I laughed.

Together we learned how to use the phone Dillion got for me. I still haven't learnt how to use it although I'm trying.

We continued scrolling through the phone, but my mind told me to stare up.

I lifted my eyes up and I could swear that I saw Dillion.

But he is no longer there, I crumbled my face in confusion.

I just saw him now or was I hallucinating?


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