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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 261

Chapter 261 

Louisbusiness was like an iceberg on the ocean’s surface. It appeared clean, vast, and seemingly pure

However, beneath this noble purity lay the unseen blondy peaks, the colossal mountain ranges submerged beneath the sea, the black empire hidden from view 

Some would naturally steer clear upon seeing the iceberg, but those who dared to explore would only meet a grisly end, their bones crushed to dust, leaving no trace behind 

Jeffrey was among those who vanished without a trace, having opted to conceal the truth rather than reveal it. However, concealment had its limits and eventually, it erupted

Genevieve, I love you. I’m willing to spare Jeffrey’s life if you would come with me.Louisexpression changed slightly 

Uttering these words was ultimately a concession for him, but to Genevieve, it sounded absurd. She said, Louis, you want us to pay the price for your selfish and dangerous emotions? Anthony has already found Grandpa Frank and Grandma Margaret. Your secrets will be exposed soon. Do you still think you can control everything?” 

Louiseyes instantly darkened as he asked, Do you trust Anthony that much?” 

Genevieve met his gaze squarely, her beauty transparent and fearless. At least I dare to say he won’t harm my loved ones. But what about you? You keep telling me that you love me, how devoted and infatuated you are. But deep down, you know you don’t love me. You love Anthony’s exwife, no matter who she is.” 

A dense fog of darkness rose in Louiseyes, emanating a chilling aura

Genevieve had spoken so bluntly that Louis could not have been unmoved

He pushed open the door, the sea breeze causing his shirt to billow slightly

Genevieve, I’m willing to risk my life for you. Isn’t that proof enough of my love for you? You don’t trust me, yet ou trust Anthony, who has hurt you. Is that fair to me?His voice sounded icy cold

felt as though silence enveloped them, drowning out any other sound

Genevieve endured the sharp pain in her chest. A cold smirk played at the corner of her lips. The facts speak for 


Don’t Be Stupid, Use a Hydraulic Press Machine 

Chapter 201 

themselves. I shouldn’t have trusted you, should I? You can take my life if you want, Louis, but don’t even think about trading it for my family’s thres. Otherwise, I won’t spare you?” 

Louiseves twitched slightly 

His face was rigid, enveloped in an unshakeable chill and darkness

The two stood in confrontation for a few seconds

Suddenly, Louis smirked, his lips curling into a cold smile as he took a few steps forward, closing the distance between them. You won’t spare me, huh? All right, I be waiting 

His voice was cold and clear, devoid of any emotion

At the harbor, a ship swayed gently as a tall, slender figure emerged, waving in their direction

Louis narrowed his eyes, then grabbed Genevieve’s wrist and headed toward the figure with determination

This time, he exerted all his strength without a hint of mercy or 


He wanted her love, but if it was impossible, he would settle for her compliance

Her love or her body, he decided he had to at least obtain one

Genevieve desperately tried to free herself from his grip but to no avail. Louis, let go. At this point, there’s nothing left to say between us.” 

Louis walked ahead, showing no signs of releasing her hand

The next second, his phone rang

It was his secret spare phone

As Louis furrowed his brows, he answered the phone, Speak.His tone sounded hostile

The voice on the other end reached Genevieve’s ears. Numerous peacekeeping forces are appearing at sea and we’re surrounded. Damn it, you better run, too. The news likely leaked from your end.” 

The person hung up the phone after finishing speaking


Don’t Be Stupid, Use a Hydraulic Press Machine 

Chapter 261 

Louisexpression darkened, a storm brewing in his eyes

His face contorted with thisbelief and deleat. Anthony 

No one else but him could pull this oft 

He had rescued Frank and Margaret, then staged Presley’s fake death to reclaim the company

Now, he had somehow eradicated Loulsforces

The black empire at sea, once untouchable, now lay in ruins

Louis involuntarily tightened his grip on Genevieve’s wrist

In a moment of panic, Genevieve gasped, her chest tightening as she held back her emotions. Louis, release 

life.Jeffrey. I won’t say a word if you leave now. Consider it repayment for saving my 

Louis tilted his head slightly, his angular profile exuding bonechilling coldness

With a cold chuckle, he tightened his grip on her wrist and pulled her toward the ship with even more force

Upon sensing his unwavering determination, Genevieve’s heart sank. She exerted all her strength to break free

However, Louis remained unmoved, shedding his gentle demeanor to reveal a sharp and dangerous edge

Suddenly, they heard the approaching sirens, and Louisface paled as several police cars raced toward them

Upon hearing the sound, Genevieve breathed a sigh of relief, feeling as though her defenses were finally in place

As the vehicles drew nearer, before Genevieve could even rejoice, Louis impatiently hoisted her onto the ship

Shocked, Genevieve shouted, hoping to attract attention. Louis, you can’t escape now. Let me go!” 

However, he showed no fear or hesitation as he leaped onto the deck of the ship

The people on board treated him with respect. Mr. Fallon, shall we set off now?one of them asked politely

Louis placed Genevieve aside, gripping her hand tightly, and nodded. Let’s go.” 


Don’t Be Stupid, Use a Hydraulic Press Machine 

Chapter 261 

The police cars had reached the harbor, including a black Maybach from which Anthony alighted

He sprinted down and immediately caught sight of Genevieve being held by Louis

Genevieveheart skipped a beat but she was unable to articulate her feelings


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