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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 262

Chapter 262 

Genevieve’s eyes grew slightly warm, her chest heavy with indescribable anxiety

The pounding of her heart felt as if it would burst through her chest, shattering her bones

Anthony stood at the forefront, tall and imposing. He exuded a commanding yet resolute aura

His expression visibly hardened. All right, what do you propose?” 

Louis cast him a glance. Jump into the water and drown,he said solemnly

A shiver ran through Genevieve’s body

Upon sensing her fear, Louis chuckled softly. Don’t worry, he won’t” 

Before he could finish, Anthony leaped into the water

Gasps erupted from the crowd

Genevieve’s heart sank, her voice trembling with shock and anguish. Anthony…” 

She didn’t want him to die

Despite her hatred and their irreconcilable differences, she couldn’t bear the thought of him perishing, but he had jumped without hesitation

A surge of waves crashed against the rocks on the shore, gradually calming the sea

No one emerged from the water

Everyone stared in disbelief at the expanse of the ocean

This was the sea, a place where countless souls had been claimed by its relentless waves

Few had ever survived such an ordeal without proper tools and preparation. No one believed that Anthony could emerge unscathed


Don’t Be Stupid, Use a Hydraulic Press Machine 

Chapter 262 

The authorities immediately dispatched a rescue team

Louis furrowed his brows slightly, his expression momentarily darkening

He didn’t believe Anthony would die for Genevieve and thought the latter must have a hidden scheme at play

The police officers closed in with their firearms. Let go of the hostage!” 

Louis stepped back slowly

His demeanor betrayed a sense of uncertainty and brooding coldness

He kept his grip firm on the gun, its icy barrel still pressed against Genevieve’s forehead

However, the boat had already started moving, and their departure would not be swift. The authorities would soon catch up to them

This was one of the reasons why Genevieve refrained from making any rash moves

She knew that Louis couldn’t get away

Her steps faltered backward, her body stiff and her face grim to the extreme

Yet, her entire being was still caught in the moment when Anthony had plunged into the water

Her heart sank heavily, like a weight descending into the depths of the ocean

Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill out uncontrollably. She trembled, trying to regain her 


From behind, the thin, tanned man shouted, Mr. Fallon, abandon ship!” 

A buzzing roar echoed from the left rear of the boat

A speedboat raced from the front to the side of the larger vessel

The police boats had not yet arrived, giving Louis and his group a chance to escape

Louis stepped back vigilantly and said in a cold voice, “Genevieve, come with me. I won’t hurt you.” 


Chapter 262 

He pulled Genevieve’s arm, positioning her in front of him

Just as he was about to toss Genevieve onto the speedboat, she suddenly reached back, grabbing his arm and swiftly shifting her weight, pushing him forcefully downward

In the next moment, his entire body involuntarily leaned downward in shock

As Louis crashed heavily onto the speedboat, a gunshot shattered the silent sea


Genevieve’s face turned ghostly pale with shock as she watched Louis being shot in the chest while struggling to hold onto the submarine

A figure emerged from the depths of the boat, disheveled yet resolute

Anthony had been waiting for this moment. With a gun in hand, his gaze was as fierce as a hawk’s, intense and piercing

The gunshot that rang out earlier had been fired by him

In an instant, dark red blood gushed out, staining Louispristine white shirt

His eyes betrayed a sense of unwillingness and helplessness as he sank into the depths of the sea, like a powerful leopard slain by a hunter in the abyss

Only a pool of undispersed dark red blood remained on the surface, gradually spreading and dissipating as the 

waves washed over it

Upon seeing the situation turn unfavorable, the thin, tanned man attempted to escape on the speedboat

However, the police immediately opened fire, causing him to slump on the boat, his face ashen and on the verge of collapse

Soon after, the police boats surrounded them, and they pulled Anthony aboard

An officer kindly provided Genevieve with a warm towel and helped her onto the shore, her body still stiff and 

her face drained of color


Don’t Be Stupid, Use a Hydraulic Press Machine 

Chapter zZUZ 

Everything eventually calmed down

Some went down to retrieve bodies, while others hauled up the thin, tanned man from the speedboat. Soon after, an ambulance arrived

They rushed Anthony and Genevieve to the hospital, while the thin, tanned man was pronounced dead on the 


Accompanied by police officers on the way to the hospital, one of them reassured Genevieve, It’s all over now, Ms. Lawrence. You don’t need to worry. Louis can’t harm you anymore. His subordinate was a wanted criminal. Have you seen him before?” 

Genevieve shook her head, her heart filled with a complex and somber feeling

It was like a giant rock crashing down on her heart, reminding her that life’s twists and turns were always unexpected

Louis was likely dead. There was little chance he survived being shot in the chest, even if he could swim

It was over before she could get her hatred to the bottom of it

Thanks to Mr. Hoffman contacting us in time, we were able to catch up to you. Otherwise, if you had been taken away, the consequences would have been unimaginable,the police officer said. Take a rest for now. Once you’re feeling better, we’ll take your statement.” 

Anthony emerged from inside, having changed into clean clothes. He glanced solemnly at Genevieve, pursed his lips, and walked over. Gen, let me take you home.” 


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