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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 81

Chapter 81 

As Genevieve hung up, Anthony stood up and his face turned somber

Go and get Samson’s caretaker,Anthony snarled. 

Yes, sir,Daniel responded immediately

Soon after, a housekeeper was led to him, her face wrinkled with worry

Mr. HoffmanThe housekeeper started

Anthony interrupted, Is Samson with you all the time?” 

Anthony’s voice was cold enough to freeze ice

The housekeeper was flustered. Her voice trembled as she replied, Yes” 

Anthony took in her reaction and narrowed his eyes. His gaze took on a chilling light

Honestly, how dare you lie when Mr. Hoffman is questioning you?Daniel exclaimed

The housekeeper trembled slightly. She hesitated for a few seconds, She couldn’t help but confess, I didn’t mean to. It was Ms. Stewart who told me not to tell you.” 

Recently, Ms. Stewart frequently asks me to bring Samson to her the housekeeper explained. She locks him in a room so on Malcolm instead, Samson is too little and cries often. When he cries, Ms. Stewart” 

m so that we can focus 

The servant hesitated, slightly frightened

She?Daniel prompted


Stewart will scold him, occasionally beat him, and even starve him. There’s nothing we can do…. 

The housekeeper lowered her head, trembling with fear, and whispered, Maybe it’s because Malcolm can’t speak, but when Ms. Stewart is angry, she’ll 

il take it out on Samson because she can’t bear to take it out on her own son” 


Who would have thought this bright young woman could be so harsh on a child

There was dead silence in the office

Anthony’s expression was twisted with distaste, his face harsh and foreboding. The air around him became several degrees colder

Suddenly, he grabbed an ornament on the table, well worth six figures, and hurled it to the ground. The veins of his arms strained against the 

skin, and his whole body was tense

The housekeeper didn’t dare to make another sound 

Anthony’s voice was dark and frigid, causing chills to skitter down their backs

Go and take Samson away. You don’t have to inform anyone, Anthony ordered

He knew that Samson would be ruined if he continued staying with Rosalie

Daniel nodded, I’ll arrange it.” 

Anthony looked at the housekeeper

Chapter 81 

Anthony asked again, What happened in the hospital this afternoon?” 

The housekeeper didn’t dare to beat around the bush and told him everything in full detail 

Rosalie was arrogant and tyrannical, never thinking of anyone else. She scolded people every time she opened her mouth, and she struck others whenever she raised her hand. She would not even consider sparing an innocent child 

Before Anthony, Rosalie would be as gentle as a babbling brook, considerate and submissive

But in actuality, she was a completely different person

Suppressing the violent emotions threatening to burst from his chest, Anthony took a deep breath

Get outAnthony ordered in the end

He seemed to realize that everything that had happened in the wake of Rosalie’s return to the country was not right

He had lost his wife and child because of this woman

If it weren’t for Austin

There was a lump in his throat as the blood rushed to his head, and he tasted the tang of iron on his tongue 

It was solely for Austin 

Anthony picked up his phone and called Brendan 

Are you free? Come out and have a drink with mehe exclaimed 

Then Anthony hung up. On the other side, Brendan stared at the screen of his own phone, confusion plain on his face

Why are you drinking in the middle of the day?Brendan asked 

Still he invited a large group of people to keep Anthony company 

The private room was very lively 

Someone had also invited a few girls befitting of their statuses. These men were either young models who had just entered the industry of actors new to the scene 

The girls were eager to ride their coattails, so they were working hard at entertaining them

The one beside Anthony was the prettiest, even vaguely looking like Genevieve 

Anthony couldn’t tell if this was on purpose 

But he didn’t even look at her. He sat in the shadowy booth, solemn and weighty, and he kept drinking 

When Anthony had heard Genevieve’s voice in the afternoon, it was akin to a hook dragging out his deepest desires 

He couldn’t ho 

hold himself back any longer, overwhelmed by his surging emotion 

All she had said was that Rosalie abused Samson 

Genevieve could take pity on Samson, but why not pity Anthony

He missed her. He wanted her back by his side

Chapter 81 

Anthony was sure he would be good to her

But why wouldn’t Genevieve believe It

He gulped down a whiskey, but it might as well have been tasteless to him

The people next to him tried stopping him

Tony, what’s wrong?One of them cajoled. Are you trying to drown your sorrows

Another one tittered, Slow down. What’s the point of drinking by yourself? Genie, hurry up and pour some wine for Mr. Hoffman!” 

He was talking to the female model beside Anthony

Her figure was curvaceous and eyecatching, but she had been unable to find a chance and make her move

When she heard this, she immediately knelt and poured Anthony a glass of wine

Her eyes were bright and dewy as if she were trying to convey something while handing the glass to him

Anthony squinted and seemed a little startled when he saw her face

Had he just seen Genevieve


Was it her?Anthony 

y wondered

He was slightly drunk, and his expression was fierce as he reached out and grasped the woman’s wrist

In a gravelly voice, Anthony asked, Is that you, Gen?” 

The woman raised her face excitedly

Evie simpered, Mr. Hoffman, it’s me. Would you to try some of this?” 

However, as soon as the last word fell from her lips, Anthony jerked back and pushed her away almost violently

She shrieked in alarm as she fell to the ground, the wine in the glass spilling on her body

Anthony leaned back in disgust and pressed his fist against his forehead. His eyebrows furrowed, and his voice was low and dull as he spoke, It’s not her. She wouldn’t have spoken to me so gently. Get out!” 


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