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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 82

Chapter 82 

On the other end of the line, Genevieve laughed coldly as she listened

Call him an ambulance and order him a brain scan to see if there’s any damage up there,” Genevieve sneered

Then, she hung up 

hung up without another word

No one had expected this result

They were all stunned

How could Genevieve, a divorcee, be so arrogant

Anthony’s face fell, and the light in his eyes disappeared

As he sat there, everyone could feel how hopeless and depressed he felt

Brendan wanted to help him but didn’t know where to start

He couldn’t help but remember when he had asked Anthony how it was going, he had said everything was proceeding well

Was this what everything was going well meant

Did Anthony even understand what was going on

Brendan wanted to pull his hair out

Anthony staggered to his feet and walked out

To him, there was no use continuing to drink. She wouldn’t come at all

This cruel woman didn’t care about him at all

Brendan thought for a while, then decided to chase after him

They got into a car

Anthony remained silent as if Genevieve had dealt him a fatal blow

The driver asked where they would go

Brendan thought for a while before giving him an address

Anthony seemed to have a dark shadow enveloping him, loneliness and sadness wrapping him tightly

Seeing him like this, Brendan couldn’t help but chide, Tony, maybe Genevieve didn’t mean it. It was probably because I didn’t word it well just now, right? I’ll watch my words next time!” 

Anthony glanced at Brendan darkly 

Would Anthony even drink so much next time

Brendan sighed and rubbed his forehead

Why would a woman soften that easily? You have to perseverel Brendan exclaimed


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Chapter 82 

Anthony frowned irritably


Could he drink every day without gastric bleeding

You can persistently use all kinds of ways to mave e her or ma 

Brendan listed

or make her happy, such as creating chance encounters or giving her surprises

Brendan chattered on about his experience, with Anthony listening carefully all the while

Suddenly, it occurred to Anthony that he had never gifted Genevieve these experiences. He owed her dearly

Unconsciously, the rims of Anthony’s eyes turned red. Fortunately, it was dark in the car, and visibility was limited

But Brendan glanced at him and saw the tears brimming in his eyes 

He stopped speaking instantly 

He leaned over in shock and took a good look at his friend 

Tony, are you crying?Brendan gaped 

Just as he was about to wipe his tears away, Anthony roughly shoved him away

Stay away from me.Anthony griped 

His voice was chilly, as if he were trying 

were trying to hide something 

Brendan’s lips curled upwards as if he had already seen through it. He laughed. “I won’t tell anyone. It’s too embarrassing” 

Wouldn’t Genevieve make fun of Anthony if she found out

Anthony stayed silent 

The temperature in the car somehow dropped several degrees 

Brendan shut up immediately 

Once the driver arrived at the gate of the residential area, Brendan rolled down the window to show the security guard his face. He recognized him and let the car pass through 

Tony I just bought a house, so you can stay here for a night, Brendan said. T’m worried that you’ll feel worse once you go back to your marital 

Anthony was so drunk that he had no idea what he had said 

Brendan and the driver worked in tandem to get Anthony out of the car 

Once his feet touched the ground, he no longer needed help 

After all he had been a member of high society from childhood. He would be decent even when drunk

Brendan breathed a sigh of relief and said to the driver, You can head home now. He’ll stay with me for the night.” 

Then, Brendan took Anthony upstairs

The driver nodded and prepared the car to leave


Chapter 82 

Just then, he caught sight of a familiar white Porsche coming in from outside the gate

After that an exquisitely beautiful woman got out of the car

It was Genevieve

Genevieve walked upstairs while talking on the phone, laughing, Bring me some midnight snacks, Jeff” 

The driver squinted and thought for a while before he sent Rosalie a message

Soon, a sum of money had been deposited in his account, and a text thanking him flashed on his screen

The driver drove away quickly 

Brendan’s housekeeper was busy making a hangover remedy, all while Anthony sat there with a stony expression

The name Rosaliekept flashing on his phone

He was unmoved and pretended not to see it

Soon after that, Brendan walked out after washing his face. He caught sight of Anthony’s phone and chuckled

Well, the big problem hasn’t been solved yet, Brendan teased. Can I help you with it. Tony?” 

Anthony sat there indifferently, his knotted eyebrows the very picture of refusal

Brendan tapped on the accept call button

Anthony, what should I do? Mal is burning up. I’m so scared! Can you come over” 

Rosalie’s gentle voice was projected from the phone speakers, and Brendan frowned

Her voice was way too pretentious

Brendan coughed heavily and said, He’s not a doctor. If Mal has a fever, then bring him to the hospital. What are you waiting for?” 

Rosalie paused before she asked coldly, Who are you? Where’s Anthony?” 

He asked me to pass on the message: If you’re sick, go to the hospital to be treated. He’s not a doctor, so why look for him? Are you his mother or not? If you have the time to beg for pity, you have the time to call 9111 Brendan jeered

Brendan’s words made Rosalie a little embarrassed

What does it have to do with you? Give the phone back to Anthony. Mal is his child! Of course, he has to take care of him!Rosalie cried

Brendan sneered, You wouldn’t have fooled Genevieve with that would you?” 

Rosalle instantly went silent

Brendan made a clicking sound with his mouth. I got it right on the 

e money!” 

Brendan glanced at the expressionless Anthony and turned back to 

ck to talk to Rosalie aggressively

He doesn’t like you. Know your place! Brendan snarled 

Then, Brendan hung up without giving Rosalie to chew him out and turned off the phone

Anthony paused momentarily and harrumphed coldly. I’ll send her away” 

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Chapter 82 

Brendan blinked. Could sending her away solve the problem?” He pondered


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