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Suddenly There Are Three (Bailey and Artemis) novel Chapter 1113

Chapter 1113 Friend Only

Bailey had been silent all along, but suddenly she let out a roar. The sudden outburst startled Artemis, causing his body to jolt, almost leaping in surprise. "Bay, is that really what you think? Are you really breaking up with me?"

No way. I'm carrying his child right now. If I break up with him, I'll be making it easier for him and his mistress. Bailey spat, "I don't want to talk to you. Please leave."

A look of hurt was evident on Artemis' face, a cloud of sadness shrouding his brow. His thin lips moved as if to speak, but then he hesitated.

Sammy couldn't help but speak up. "Ms. Bailey, Mr. Luther hasn't eaten all day and is still injured. Can't you be a little gentler?"

Bailey's cold gaze swept over Sammy, successfully pushing him back. Then, turning her head towards Artemis, she said in a chilling tone, "It seems that the food in my humble abode doesn't suit Mr. Luther's taste. How about I arrange for someone to escort you back to your estate? There, you have a master chef and a beautiful woman waiting. I'm sure your appetite will greatly improve."

Without uttering another word, Artemis immediately grabbed the milk she had been drinking and took two big gulps. Then, he snatched the bread from her hand and started munching on it. She still cares about me. The situation isn't too bad. I'm fine with a cold war as long as she doesn't cut ties with me.

Knowing she didn't want to talk about that, he tried to change the subject, saying, "I just saw your news on my way to the bedroom. Faceless is becoming more and more audacious. Have you thought about how to deal with her? Or should I send someone to capture her?"

Bailey gave him a cold glance, scoffed, and said, "What if she, like a cornered dog, kills Orion? What will you do if that happens?"

Artemis fell silent, slowly nibbling on his bread.

He refrained from saying anything because he believed any words out of his mouth at that moment were going to be wrong.

As Bailey was about to step out of the bedroom, having just gotten up from the floor, her wrist was suddenly seized by the man at the side of the bed. "Let go."

"Where are you going?" questioned Artemis.

Ignoring him, Bailey turned to Sammy and asked, "Has Raiden arrived?"

She actually knew that Raiden had arrived. She just asked on purpose.

After glancing at Artemis, whose face was somewhat gloomy, Sammy carefully said, "He has arrived, but he's tired from the long journey and is resting."

"No problem. Take me to see him. Once I'm there, he won't be sleepy anymore." After she finished speaking, she raised her eyebrows at Artemis, signaling him to let go.

Artemis appeared aggrieved, his tone almost pleading. "If that guy asks you for another shirt, could you please not give it to him? He's already taken one, and I haven't even gotten mine yet."

With a suppressed smile, Bailey, keeping a straight face, brushed off his hand. Giving him the cold shoulder really works. In the past, if he knew I gave the shirt to Raiden, he would have made a huge fuss. Now, not only does he dare not lose his temper, but he also needs to appease me. I'm truly relieved that he revealed his identity as The Exterminator at this critical moment. "Sammy, the air in Ordano is humid all year round, and my clothes are all packed in my suitcase. Could you ask the housekeeper to sort them out and then air them out?"

Watching Bailey's departing figure, Sammy cheerfully said to Artemis, "Mr. Luther, what are you still standing there for? Hurry up and rummage through the luggage. Ms. Bailey must have left you the clothes she made herself."

Artemis was stunned for three seconds, then quickly headed towards the dressing room.

Seeing his urgency, Sammy couldn't help but chuckle cheerfully. Ms. Bailey is truly fortunate to have a man who holds her every joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure close to his heart.

After leaving the bedroom, Bailey didn't go to find Raiden. Instead, she had the housekeeper call Cameron to the tearoom.

Chapter 1113 1

Chapter 1113 2


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