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Suddenly There Are Three (Bailey and Artemis) novel Chapter 1115

Chapter 1115 Chase His Wife

That shirt was Bailey's favorite among the several outfits she had made.

She was relieved that Raiden hadn't taken it away on the private plane.

Surprisingly, he had the same taste as her and was immediately drawn to it.

Realizing her intense gaze, she quickly cursed to cover her lapse. "Shameless."

Artemis shifted his gaze from the scroll to her face. Raising an eyebrow, he said, "Why is it shameful for me to wear clothes made by my wife?"

After speaking, he handed her the scroll and asked tentatively, "Is this the painting from Cameron?"

Bailey snorted coldly. Where does he get the confidence to think I'll pay attention to him?

Ignoring him, she walked past him and reached the bedside, where she fell asleep almost immediately. Before long, the sound of her steady breathing filled the room.

Artemis stood by the bed, watching her sleep. Seeing that she had truly fallen asleep, he shook his head with a slightly amused smile.

It's a good thing she can fall asleep right under my watchful eyes. It shows that she has no defenses against me and deep down, she relies on me. After hesitating for a moment, he slowly lay down next to her.

Cameron arrived at Artemis' mansion under the cover of darkness. Ken personally greeted him and silently replaced him with Artemis' body double.

Thanks to a well-thought-out plan, they easily bypassed all the informants in the manor. However, they couldn't fool Rebecca in the side house.

In fact, ever since Bailey came over to cause trouble, Rebecca had her suspicions.

Even though nothing happened between Rebecca and Artemis in the hot spring pool, Bailey was convinced that Artemis had betrayed her.

At first, Rebecca thought that Bailey simply didn't trust Artemis.

However, after thinking about it calmly, she realized something was off. Even if Bailey doesn't trust Artemis, she wouldn't just be angry at him out of nowhere. The only explanation is that they were putting on a show, intentionally arguing to make Faceless believe their scheme had succeeded. They did it to alleviate her concerns and make her lower her guard. If they were just putting on a show, then the Artemis at the mansion is likely a fake.

After coming to that realization, she personally staked out the place and finally caught Cameron in disguise. Then, she watched as the disguised Cameron switched places with Artemis' stand-in.

Rebecca climbed into the room through the window, her cold eyes fixed on the man before her, 'Artemis'. Through gritted teeth, she asked, "Are you Cameron? Did Bailey send you?"

Cameron took a subconscious step back, keeping his distance from the woman in front of him. This woman is difficult to deal with, and I certainly don't want to provoke her. "Who said I'm Cameron? I'm clearly Artemis."

With a sneer, Rebecca took a quick step forward and tore open his shirt. "Even though you were injured yesterday and have recovered without a trace. You really think you're invincible, don't you?"

Cameron stepped back, clutching his arm, and snarled, "I've been practicing healing skills, so I can heal quickly. It's none of your business..."

The conversation came to an abrupt halt.

Cameron, trembling, looked at the woman who had drawn a gun and aimed it at him. He forced a smile and said, "Hey, let's talk this out, okay?"

If he didn't straighten up, she would surely shoot him.

Rebecca aimed at his temple. Seeing him cooperate, she then asked coldly, "What's Bailey's plan?"



The trigger was pulled.

Cameron was startled and quickly spoke up. "I'll talk, I'll talk. Don't act recklessly. Bailey is ruthless, sending me to endure the suffering meant for her man."

"Explain, please," demanded Rebecca.

Cameron honestly gave a detailed explanation. "I'm about to be poisoned, you see. It's going to be terrible, so please don't hurt me more than I will be."

Chapter 1115 1

Chapter 1115 2

Chapter 1115 3


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