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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1010

Chapter 1010 A Gift From Her Father

In the president's Office of the Clarke Corp, when Zack saw his son go up to the third floor, he got an alarm and saw everything through the cameras.

Joan didn't show any curiosity about the world inside the door. Instead, she dragged her son away, looking very scared.

So Zack didn't blame her for what happened today and wouldn't punish her when he went home.

After all, she didn't mean to break in.

"Mr. Clarke."

A sweet female voice came into his ears.

Zack raised his head and saw Jennifer coming with a stack of design drafts. He smiled, put down his phone, and stood up to greet her.

"Ms. Marsh, have you finished today's small task?"

"Yes," Jennifer replied with a sweet smile. "I'm going to leave early today. I don't have to work overtime. It's going to be thanksgiving day. I have to prepare something."

At this time, Zack bent down and picked up six exquisite gift bags. "These are the gifts for the team. I hope you will like them."

If he only gave it to her, it would inevitably make people doubt it. He did this to avoid embarrassment.

"What is in it? The boxes are so beautiful?" Jennifer didn't refuse. She took them over, looked into the bag, and said happily, "Thank you for your amazing gifts!"

Then she made a deep bow to Zack and said, "Mr. Clarke if you don't have anything else, I'll leave now."


Zack watched his daughter leave with a smile. He felt that he was getting closer and closer to his daughter.

He even had an impulse to tell her the truth on thanksgiving day.

He was well prepared but didn't know what she was thinking.

Ivan thought too much about Jennifer's feelings and believed that it was not the right time. He felt that she still couldn't make a decision and was not ready yet.

He didn't want to force her too much...

Yes, she had been lost for more than 20 years. Zack couldn't explain everything just with a hug of a father.


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