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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1011

Chapter 1011 The Story of Mrs. Marsh

Jennifer stopped thinking about it. she held the bookmark and smiled in a good mood, "I'll tell you a story when we're back! You'll judge whether the protagonist in the story is doing the right thing. For now, drive."

Ivan nodded, "I'd love to hear it."

He felt that Jennifer was going to tell him about her life experience.

She should mention how she had gone through all these years so that he can understand her better. Was it time to make a choice?

She may be hesitating, or she may be at a loss.

She was now seeing Zack every day; how could she feel nothing?

She knew who she was.

But no matter what she chose, Ivan would support her.

Because he could spoil her for the rest of her life. She wouldn't lack anything, not even a father.

Ivan had no father either.

In a way, they were the same. Maybe that was why they were so attracted to each other.

Ivan took Jennifer to the largest shopping mall in Arkpool City. To stay low-key, they put on hats and masks as soon as they got off the car.

Jennifer put the goods into the shopping cart Ivan was pushing.

They went there to buy gifts for the servants of Emerald Bay. To show their sincerity, they went shopping by themselves.

Finnley and Andrew would buy gifts for employees. Ivan and Jennifer wouldn't need to worry.

In the evening, Emerald Bay.

Red haze poured in from the floor-to-ceiling windows. Jennifer had already taken a bath. Wearing a pink nightgown, she stepped on the soft carpet with her bare feet, looking like a princess in a castle.

She was quiet and slender, and her long black hair was shining. Her beautiful eyes were dark.


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