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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1405

Chapter 1405: Sudden Situation

Rowan and Claire withdrew their gazes, exchanged smiles, and continued walking forward. The scenery here was unique, with a cloudy forecast for the day. The gray sky gave off the feeling of a misty, rainy scene, as if they were in a traditional ink painting.

Indeed, the one that was abandoned was the luckiest, for it would meet someone who truly appreciated it and cherished it, allowing it to realize its greatest value.

The Maybach headed toward the ancient town, gradually moving away from the hustle and bustle of the city and onto a narrow mountain road.

The car windows were closed, and the temperature of the heater inside was just right. The girl in the passenger seat had even fallen asleep. Tristan noticed this and appropriately slowed down the car. Worried that she might catch a cold, he pulled the car over, took a blanket from the trunk, and carefully covered her.

Standing next to the passenger seat, he gently tucked a strand of hair that had fallen on her forehead behind her ear. Half-bent over, he gazed at her up-close, and Tristan felt an inexplicable sense of tranquility in his heart at that moment. He closed the car door, returned to the driver's seat, and restarted the car.

About a minute later, Tristan noticed that the sky had become significantly darker, with the signs of an impending storm. He glanced up at the sky, where heavy, dark clouds hung overhead. A strong wind howled, causing the tree branches to sway violently. It was indeed going to rain.

The mountain road wasn't too rugged, and once they passed the mountain, they'd reach the elegant ancient town on the other side. If the road and weather were good, they could have arrived within an hour.

But almost immediately, heavy rain began to pour, with large droplets pounding on the car body, creating a chaotic noise. The girl furrowed her brow and opened her eyes. She saw the thick rain mist outside the car window and the splashes of water on the hood. The mountain road ahead was barely visible, and she could feel the car slowing down.

"How did it start raining all of a sudden?" she asked, turning to look at him in disbelief.

Tristan suddenly hit the brakes. The car, already moving slowly, came to a complete stop. He seemed to have seen something. His face turned serious, and he didn't immediately answer her question. Instead, he stared at something ahead in shock.


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