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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1406

Chapter 1406: Tristan, I Like You

She was on the verge of tears! But she didn't make a fuss or yell; she just clutched her heart tightly, her body trembling involuntarily. The blanket that had been covering her slipped off. Tristan gripped her hand, "…" Although he had experienced countless storms in the business world, this was the first time he had encountered a life-threatening situation.

The current situation could not be resolved by relying on wisdom alone. He interlocked his fingers with hers and turned to her, saying, "Monica, look at me." Monica slowly regained her composure from the fear, her gaze meeting his deep, determined eyes.

Tristan unbuckled his seatbelt with his other hand, simply turning his body sideways and pulling her into his embrace, feeling guilty. Monica looked up timidly, "I want to call my parents…" She felt she was going to die.

Tristan didn't answer, but took out his phone, quickly sent his location to Kevin, and called him, using the simplest words to explain their current predicament. After hanging up, Tristan put away his phone, turned his body to hold her shoulders again, and blocked out the terrifying, life-threatening sounds coming from the front and back of the car.

"Monica, I'm sorry," Tristan gazed at her, "Don't contact them; they'll worry." Looking at her pure, natural face, he said guiltily, "I shouldn't have brought you here." But Monica shook her head, her eyes filling with quickly gathering tears, "I don't want you to be here alone; I want to be with you."

At that moment, she also put the sounds from outside the car out of her mind. Resigned to their fate, she shook her head vigorously, facing his gaze, "Don't blame yourself; it's not your fault. No one expected the weather to change suddenly."


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