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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1411

Chapter 1411: Tristan's Worry Written on His Face

Monica looked at the anxious figure and felt a sour emotion surging within her heart. As her breaths deepened, the sadness became more apparent. Perhaps it was because she was not very familiar with Claire, but compared to Tristan's tension, Monica was relatively calm. Of course, she was still worried.

Tristan hurried and stopped, looking around everywhere, not missing a single shop. The usually steady man was very anxious at this moment, a state rarely seen. Monica noticed the furrow between his eyebrows, saw him almost miss a step, and saw the desperation in his eyes as he tried to find Claire. She saw the same anxiety and urgency in him as in Rowan.

Monica followed and thought about the situation, gathering her thoughts and staying close behind Tristan. Sometimes she jogged, other times she looked around, helping him search for Claire. Once they found Claire and returned her safely to Dr. Watson, perhaps Tristan would pay more attention to her.

Not far behind, some police officers followed and began visiting every street and alley, questioning anyone suspicious. The entire ancient town was undergoing a comprehensive search. Every second, every minute was agonizing for Rowan, and perhaps for Tristan as well.

"Ouch!" Monica, hurrying down the steps, missed her footing and twisted her ankle. The pain was intense. Instinctively, she reached out to support herself against the moss-covered stone wall on her left, getting her hand sticky and slippery. The moss emitted a faint stench, and her sleeve got dirty.

As Monica looked up, she realized Tristan had already run far ahead. She quickly straightened up and walked towards a faucet not far away. After washing her hands, she limped forward, enduring the pain in her foot.

Disappearances in broad daylight, coupled with the ghostly legends lingering in her ears, frightened her. Even though there were passersby around her, she only felt safe with Tristan, not even fearing life and death.


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