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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1412

Chapter 1412: Every Second is Agonizing

"Alright, let's go now!"

Rowan was more than willing. He desperately wanted to find Claire as quickly as possible. The longer it took, the more likely that things would take a turn for the worse. Such a disappearance was illogical and worrisome. Tristan went, and naturally, Monica followed as well. As friends, they were also concerned.

With such a significant incident, Monica couldn't possibly return to the inn by herself to rest. She was a kind girl, and she had met Claire before. In Monica's heart, Claire was not at all annoying. Although Tristan was very worried about her, Monica could understand. After all, a person who had vanished into thin air would have many people worried about her.

Moreover, Tristan had booked the inn with his mobile phone, and she didn't know the exact location. Despite having walked nearly 20, 000 steps with high heels, and her legs already sore, Monica continued to follow.

They went to the ancient bridge with the police officers, who turned to Rowan and asked for confirmation, "You two are a couple, right?"


"Is your relationship deep? Did you have any quarrels before the incident?"

"No quarrels." Rowan was helpless but patient, "We have a great relationship, Officer. You don't need to suspect me. Really, the most important thing is to find her. I suggest sealing off the entire ancient town so that the criminals can't take her away!"

He was somewhat emotional, even making some gestures, but his upbringing told him to restrain himself.

"Mr. Watson, the entrance has been sealed off. Our principle of handling cases is not to let any suspicious person go. It's not that we suspect you, but we can't rule out the suspicion of you either."

Rowan was speechless. At that moment, he wished he were a god.

Tristan glanced at Rowan, trying to see something from his handsome face, as the culprit of a high IQ crime often didn't look like a criminal. But Tristan also had a feeling that Claire's disappearance had nothing to do with Rowan.

Soon, everyone went up the steps and arrived at the place where Rowan had last seen Claire. Rowan described the scene in detail again, and the police officer took notes carefully. Tristan noticed the clear river. With his height, he could easily climb over the railing. He thought about Claire's height and looked at the river with furrowed brows.


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