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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1488

Chapter 1488: Bravo, Tristan

Monica stood there in the snow, a burning pain spreading from her heart, her blood slowly cooling, as if about to freeze. She took a few steps forward, turned, and leaned against the wall outside the boutique, clutching her chest and taking deep breaths.

"Calm down! Calm down! Calm down! Maybe they're just having a simple chat?" But when Monica thought of Tristan's previous affection for Claire, her beautiful eyes instantly lost focus...

"He was supposed to be in a meeting, right? He lied..." Monica suddenly felt like a fool. In this cold weather, she had excitedly run out to buy storage boxes, treating the doll he had won for her as a treasure. She thought Tristan also liked her, but was this just an illusion?

"Monica, stop being so sentimental! Wake up!" She felt aggrieved, leaning against the wall, biting her lower lip hard, and couldn't help but feel like crying because the feeling was really painful! For a moment, she felt as if she had lost her pillar of support, somewhat unsure of what to do.

Outside, the snow was falling again... Each flake fluttered down like catkins, landing on Monica's hair, shoulders, and arms... The wind was bitingly cold, but not as cold as her heart.

In the cafe next door, Tristan put down his cup. He said to Violet, "Auntie, please don't ask me about Claire's love life anymore, because I can't help with that. But if it's something else, as long as it's within my power, I won't refuse." After speaking, he glanced at the time on his wristwatch and then smiled at her, "I'm sorry, but I have a meeting this afternoon." He then stood up and walked to the cashier.

Violet sat there in a daze, watching the tall figure leaving with reluctance. He was calm and gentlemanly, always exuding a strong sense of security. Now, she felt as if she had lost half the sky; Tristan would no longer have any connection with the Russell family.

After paying the bill, Tristan walked out of the cafe. Monica, leaning against the wall, watched him come out, watched him stride towards his car, watched him open the car door, and soon the car started slowly. But after a while, the car seemed to stop again.


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