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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1489

Chapter 1489: Are You Following Me?

Tristan didn't speak. He simply held Monica's shoulders and led her to the passenger side of the car. He opened the door for her, allowing her to sit inside.

Monica also remained silent, obediently getting into the car. She really wanted to ask him, what did Claire's aunt want from him? Why did he have to lie? Was it because he cared about her, that's why he lied?

Tristan closed the car door, walked around the vehicle, and got into the driver's seat. He didn't fasten his seatbelt and didn't seem to plan on starting the car. He knew that she must have seen something and misunderstood.

As Tristan gathered his thoughts, he turned to look at her, his tone sincere, "First, I'll tell you why I was here."

Monica had been staring at her fingers, embarrassed to the point of wanting to vanish into thin air! But at his words, she looked up abruptly! Was he... voluntarily explaining?

Tristan averted his gaze, speaking calmly with a clear conscience, "I was supposed to go to a company meeting, but she called me, said she wanted to talk to me, and it wouldn't take too long."

Monica listened in silence, looking at his handsome profile. She wondered, was he reporting to her? And in what capacity was she listening?

Tristan continued, "So we agreed to have a coffee. Naturally, she wanted to talk about Claire's affairs. She wanted to entrust Claire to me."

Tristan's candidness made the girl's heart thump hard. She fell silent for a moment, then tried to ask him, "So, what did you say?"

Tristan looked at her, meeting her nervous and expectant gaze. He raised an eyebrow, "She's not an object to be handed over to me for safekeeping, what else could I say? Obviously, I refused."


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