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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1644

Chapter 1644: Wearing His Shirt

The girl thought carefully, "Alright then."

After the New Year's Eve fireworks extravaganza, Tristan brought Monica back to his home.

It was the first time he had brought her home to spend the night.

Tristan's house was really big, with a unique design and a European-style decor. It was especially spacious and had a touch of antique charm, clean and tidy everywhere.

"You go take a shower and wear my shirt," Tristan helped her find some clothes and compared them to her body, "It's just right, you can wear it as a dress."

The shirt was long enough to reach her thighs, so it should be fine. Monica also lowered her gaze to check the length.

"Well... isn't this a bit inappropriate?" She didn't immediately take it, not because she felt embarrassed, but rather she thought it would be a waste. "Wearing it to sleep seems too extravagant. This is a custom-made shirt, after all."

"If any other woman touched it, I would definitely throw it away in disgust. But if you wear it to sleep..." Tristan smirked and joked, "I'll wear it to work every day from now on!"

She couldn't help but chuckle at his teasing.

"Go on, go on, there's a bathroom in every room."

"Alright then!"

"I'll go to the study and check some reports," Tristan looked at her retreating figure and asked, "By the way, would you like milk or coffee? I'll make it for you!"

After finally having more time to spend with him, she didn't want to waste it on sleeping.

Being able to spend a little more time with him would make Monica feel very happy.

"Milk, please!" She paused and turned back.

"Okay, Your Highness."

Tristan smiled as he watched her walk away, then turned and went into the pantry to personally prepare milk for his beloved girl.

Monica entered the bathroom, turned on the shower, and couldn't help but hum a song excitedly.

She had actually gone home with him!


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