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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1645

Chapter 1645: But This is My Bed

Monica felt sweet in her heart. She lowered her gaze, feeling a little embarrassed, and took two steps towards him. Her mouth puffed up, and her chubby face looked extremely cute.

She placed her delicate jade hand in hispalm, and Tristan held it gently, pulling her closer.

Monica sat on his lap, her face flushed with shyness because the shirt she was wearing was... really sexy.

With her lowered gaze, she could still see her fair and long legs.

Tristan fondly brushed her long hair and looked at her with a gentle gaze.

The girl's eyes were filled with a smile as she kept her gaze lowered.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and held her hand, saying, "Monica, you look really beautiful tonight."

Tristan's voice was deep and magnetic, carrying a power that could disrupt one's heart.

Her smile became even softer and sweeter. "Hehe, love is blind."

She raised her gaze slightly, finally making eye contact with him.

It is said that lovers always have a special light in their eyes, even if they do nothing, just sitting quietly in each other's arms, they will feel immensely satisfied.

Tonight, she was truly beautiful, as pure and beautiful as a lotus in water, radiating the fragrance of a bath.

Tristan couldn't help but stroke her cheek, his deep and passionate gaze fixed on her beautiful lips. Gradually, he couldn't resist and kissed her.

Monica felt a rush of heat throughout her body, her heart pounding faster with each beat. His kiss made her mind go blank.

His lips were cool like spring water, enchanting her like a spell.

Tristan kissed her tenderly and carefully, without taking too much, without invading. He treated her with utmost care, his breath gradually becoming irregular.

Just when both of them were about to lose control, Monica suddenly stood up. "Good night! Go to bed early!" she said in a shy voice, and quickly left.

It was like she was escaping. In the blink of an eye, she disappeared.

But Tristan's heart was still restless. Looking at the door, his lips still carried the warmth of her kiss.


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