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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1646

Chapter 1646: The Midnight Phone Call

"No... don't!"

Monica felt her body burning hot, as if she was about to explode. Her heart seemed to leap out of her chest as she quickly pushed him away.

"What's wrong?" Tristan asked in a gentle voice, a bit puzzled. He supported himself with both hands on her sides, his entire body suspended in the air.

Staring at her at such close proximity, he said, "I just wanted to kiss you, nothing too offensive."

"We..." With such a close distance, male hormones enveloped her, and Monica met his gaze, her heartbeat becoming more and more erratic.

"I... I'll go to the next room," she said, trying to get up, hoping he would make way for her.

But Tristan remained unmoved, staring at her, his arms on both sides of her, trapping her beneath him.

"Sleep here tonight, I promise I won't touch you," he said in a gentle voice, his gaze sincere, extending an invitation to her.

In fact, Monica was somewhat looking forward to it, but also a bit nervous and uneasy.

After a long, long time... her mood gradually calmed down a bit. "Hmm," she nodded gently.

Tristan's lips curled slightly, pulling her up and helping her lift the blanket, his gaze fixed on her face.

In an instant, her cheeks turned even redder.

Tonight... are they going to sleep together?

This was a scenario she had imagined countless times before. Monica didn't know why, but whenever she was with him, she couldn't restrain the feeling of her heart pounding.

Haven't they already been together? Why is she still acting so infatuated?!

She quickly turned and got on the bed, quickly burying herself under the covers, even hiding her head.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm her emotions.

Tristan found her adorable, and he couldn't help but smile again.


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