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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1683

Chapter 1683: Alleviating Lovesickness

"He knows too?" Ivan was surprised. "Does he also suspect you and his father?"

"People in love have strong possessiveness and are often irrational," that was her opinion. She wrote romance novels, so she understood.

Claire said, "Of course, he won't suspect me and his dad, but I can't guarantee he won't suspect me and Tyler."

Tyler, in this way, always made her a little worried.

"Mr. Marsh, I write novels frequently, and novels derive from life. If we don't resolve this misunderstanding in a timely manner, it really affects the relationship between two people. He can't focus on his research, and I won't be happy either."

"Alright," Ivan agreed. "This matter is simple. I will handle it." However, he needed to come up with a good plan that could avoid suspicion, proceed smoothly, and buy enough time.

Soon, news of Ivan giving sculptures to Prince Lu Yi and Prince Tyler spread within the royal palace, mainly due to Catherine's boasting.

She emphasized that the Marsh Group had further developed its relationship with the Lu Layeka royal family and would continue to do so in the long term.

Meanwhile, in Rowan's palace.

He locked himself in the spacious and bright study on the upper floor, taking out all the tools from the box.

He was conducting serious experiments, and the research results were about to come out. He was nervous and excited.

Afraid that it was poisonous, yet afraid that it wasn't.

If it was non-toxic, it meant the killer wasn't planning to strike again, and finding them would be even more difficult than reaching the sky.

As he took out the litmus paper, dabbed it with some liquid, and stared intently, eagerly observing...

Five minutes passed in this anxious and uneasy state of mind.

He watched as the white litmus paper gradually turned black, and Rowan's heart sank along with it.

The food in the kitchen was not poisoned, but the food served on the table was.

Therefore, during this process, everyone who had contact with the food became a suspect.

At the same time, he felt deeply saddened.


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