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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1684

Chapter 1684: I'm Not Afraid of Danger

"Yes," the servant also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Mr. Marsh was a prominent figure. With both sides settled, she turned and left with peace of mind.

Rowan glanced at her receding figure and left the study door slightly ajar.

But he couldn't help but recall the intimate and cheerful moments between Claire and Taylor, which stabbed at his heart.

It was difficult for him to even utter a word to her now, while Taylor could freely get close to her.

Rowan loved her deeply, but recently, love had become a bit of a hardship for him.

But wasn't Claire the same? A young girl who wrote novels, with a mind as delicate as sand.

Soon, the servant led Claire upstairs.

Meanwhile, Ivan sat downstairs, waiting. The palace was spacious and bright, and he would handle everything here, even if Catherine arrived unexpectedly.

He had a feeling that Rowan's place was being monitored.

Although the prince didn't come down to greet him, the servants had prepared tea and exquisite pastries for Ivan.

Following the servant, Claire made her way up the stairs. Her heart felt complicated, and as she turned the corner of the staircase, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, pounding heavily.

She really missed him, but now that she saw him, a thousand words swirled in her mind, and she didn't know which one to say first.

"Miss Claire, please." The servant bowed respectfully at the door and then knocked on the slightly ajar room door, reporting with a slightly louder voice, "Prince, Miss Claire has arrived."

"Come in."

Rowan's familiar voice came from inside the room. Claire softly thanked the servant, "Thank you," and then withdrew her gaze as she gently pushed open the door.

She took a step inside.

Entering his study for the first time, Claire's emotions were incredibly complex. The moment the door opened, the gazes of these lovers collided.


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