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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1808

Chapter 1808: A Sincere Father

"I'm going to look for some nearby treasure spots now," she withdrew her hand from his palm and took out her phone to begin searching the area.

Claire was the artistic type of girl, not too picky about food, but with some requirements for the environment. She liked quiet and elegant places, often triggering her inspiration for writing.

"I found a place that I think you'll like too," she opened the navigation, entered the location, about four miles away.

Rowan followed the route; anything she liked, he would like too.

Once again, he held her hand, treasuring the touch as their fingers intertwined, the warmth of their palms intermingling.

"Claire, I found my sister," he spoke softly, after thinking it over, deciding to share this news with her.

Claire was briefly surprised, then turned to look at him, her eyes filled with delight. "When did this happen? Where is she? This is amazing!"

Rowan hadn't told his father yet, but he told Claire, indicating that he truly considered her as one of his own.

As he drove, he glanced at her. "It's Monica."

Claire was genuinely stunned for a few seconds, then her lips curled up slightly. "Does she... know?"

"She does."

Rowan averted his gaze, looking ahead, his tone calm as if he were recounting someone else's story.

"Today, when I went to the hospital, I saw Belinda wearing a red bracelet on her wrist, the very one that belonged to my sister. Knowing that Monica was the owner of the bracelet, I had a paternity test done, and the results have come out."

What a small world, and what a deep connection fate weaves! After searching for his sister for so long, it turns out she's someone everyone already knows.

"Well..." Claire smiled. "Congratulations."

He remained silent, not looking very happy.


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