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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1809

Chapter 1809: Views on Marriage and Love

In a small, stylish café, the table was covered with freshly ordered food. Warm light bathed Rowan and Claire, creating a very atmospheric setting.

In a relatively secluded space, a gentle breeze moved the white curtains as Rowan presented a delicate little box to Claire.

"What's this?" Claire was a bit surprised.

He said, "Take it, it's for you."

Facing his gentle gaze, the girl reached out her hand, "What's the occasion today? Why are you giving me a gift?"

The box was exquisite, a small square that felt pleasantly weighty in her palm. The craftsmanship was exceptional.

She quickly thought, today wasn't a special day, just a very ordinary one.

Smiling as he sliced the steak, Rowan answered her, "The gift is something I saw and thought would suit you. I wanted to buy it for you, so I did. There's no need to wait for a specific day to give gifts."

Upon hearing this, Claire raised her eyes, a touch of emotion flowing in their depths.

Despite being a girl who wrote romance novels and was particularly attentive to detail, exuding romance through and through, this detail today truly made her feel sweet.

"Thank you, Dr. Watson." The girl's smile was sweet; she hadn't expected him to be so thoughtful.

Looking at her affectionately, the man gently reminded her, "Change that."

"Thank you, Rowan!" Claire complied quickly, changing her address. She then opened the small box and looked inside. It contained a beautiful pair of earrings. She looked up at him, "I really like them."

"As long as you like them." Rowan had plans for his career, and in the coming years, he might become busier.

So, he placed the cut steak in front of her and tried to ask, "Claire, do you think marriage is the same as dating?"

"As long as you marry love, or marry into love, then even if you enter the halls of marriage, you can still be in love for a lifetime, right?" This was Claire's viewpoint; she was a very romantic person.

As a man, Rowan also agreed to some extent. He nodded and said to her, "Claire, if we get married in the future, don't get upset if I don't buy you gifts on holidays."


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