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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1810

Chapter 1810: The Siblings' Difficult Reunion

Claire was equally shocked, "He came alone?" He was the reigning king. Shouldn't he have had someone to accompany and protect him?

"Yes," Rowan replied calmly, "Let's eat first and then go back later."

"We should go back now," Claire urged, "I'm not hungry."

"Let's finish dinner first. Since he's at your uncle's house, it means he's safe, right?" Rowan reasoned. "This way, I can also give the elders more time. After all, it's their first meeting, and it's necessary to communicate more."


His reasoning made sense, so Claire didn't insist. She ate the steak he had cut for her, feeling a bit nervous.

Both sets of elders were sitting together. Presumably, they would be discussing the marriage, right? Given the current attitudes of her uncle and aunt towards the two of them, things probably wouldn't go wrong... but Claire still felt uneasy, fearing any inadvertent disrespect.

As she ate dinner, her thoughts drifted.

Time had passed so quickly. She had found her ideal prince charming, and now she was about to enter the realm of marriage.

Claire had once thought she would never marry. She was someone who valued feelings a lot.

After dinner, Rowan drove her back to the Russell family, with Claire sitting in the passenger seat.

After much thought, Rowan said to her, "Don't tell my father about finding your sister for the time being."

"Alright." She didn't ask for the reason; this was something he could decide on his own, and no one had the right to interfere.

Rowan explained, "I think it's not the best time to tell father until Monica is ready herself."


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