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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1837

Chapter 1837: Tristan's Serious Approach

Catherine looked at her in surprise, lowering her voice, she asked, "You're still concerned about his position in the line of succession? This is not the time for that. If he wants to study medicine, let him focus on that without any distractions."

"Who can predict the future situation?" Julie felt it was a pity but chose not to say anything further. After all, all these years of effort were focused on the succession, believing Prince Taylor to be the sole heir and the future king. Who would have expected Louis to suddenly emerge? With Princess Annie's return, the situation would become even more complicated.

"You should arrange a reception plan with the same standards as a state banquet. We mustn't tarnish the royal family's reputation," Catherine instructed her. "You should start planning, and I will need to review every detail, down to the menu."

The queen still intended to personally oversee it? Did this mean she also regarded Princess Annie as her own? Julie wondered. The queen seemed to have a good capacity for acceptance, first with Louis and now with Annie.

"Yes," Julie nodded, then turned and left. She truly couldn't understand why the queen had become so magnanimous.

Catherine, on the other hand, had a sudden realization, becoming unexpectedly shrewd. Instead of contending with this group of clever individuals, she saw the benefit in befriending them. Louis not only had his father's support but also the formidable influence of Mr. Marsh. It was not wise to fight an unwinnable battle.

Arkpool City. As the moon set and the sun rose, a brand new day began. Tristan's car pulled into the driveway of theAlgerone's mansion, and as he stepped out, Monica dashed from behind the curtains the moment he entered the living room, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Good morning," she exclaimed.

Tristan wasn't startled by her sudden appearance. Instead, he lifted her up, just like one would lift a child. This action caught Monica off guard. At that moment, Algerone and Belinda happened to come downstairs and witnessed the scene, but no one felt embarrassed.

Monica turned towards the couple, "Dad, Mom, good morning!"


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