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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1838

Chapter 1838: Urging for Marriage

Today, Bertie also got up early, actually, he had been looking forward to it since last night and couldn't sleep at all.

He dressed carefully. Although he recognized his daughter yesterday, they didn't spend much time together. Last night, he dreamed of his daughter again, and now her figure lingered in his mind.

He missed her a lot. Even though they would meet shortly, he was still very excited.

Not only would he meet his daughter, but he would also meet his prospective son-in-law.

Rowan noticed all of his father's emotions. Perhaps this was the happiest thing that had happened to his father in a long time?

Tristan's car soon stopped in the yard. Bertie got up from the sofa and looked excitedly towards the door, feeling his heart beating noticeably faster.

"Father, I'll go out." Rowan got up to greet them at the door.

After Tristan and Monica got out of the car, they walked hand in hand towards the house. Tristan was holding an exquisite little bag with a gift inside.

Seeing Rowan from a distance, Tristan suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Rowan used to be his rival in love. They had even fought over Claire. But now... he had become his brother?


But Tristan remained composed, choosing to forget the past selectively. Sometimes people don't realize who they truly love until the end.

"Monica, Tristan," Rowan smiled and asked, "Have you had breakfast?"

"We have," Monica approached him, "Uncle, is father awake?"

"He is. He's waiting for you inside."


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