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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1934

Chapter 1934: Encouragement for Newcomers

"Miss Angel, Spencer is rehearsing with Summer in lounge 3," a voice whispered.

Angel's eyes flashed with disbelief as she glanced in that direction. "You should go check it out. It's the first time Spencer has been so close to a woman," the two actors sneaked away after speaking.

Not one to indulge in gossip, Angel stood frozen in place for a few moments, feeling a sense of shock. Then, she took a step forward towards lounge 3.

What she saw was beyond belief-Spencer sitting on the sofa with Summer, both holding scripts, their proximity and whispered words creating an intimate scene.

Angel couldn't wrap her head around it. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't believe it was real!

With Spencer's usual aloof demeanor towards the crew in mind, Angel felt a surge of anger. Wasn't it clear that Summer was overshadowing her?

"How dare she!" Angel fumed.

"Getting into character's emotions is not a task achieved overnight," Spencer, holding the script, turned to the girl next to him, speaking softly. "You must fully understand the role and immerse yourself in her world. If you have time, thoroughly study the entire script and maybe even read the novel."

"Yes, I'll remember that," Summer replied, sitting beside him, meeting his gaze. "Thank you, Mr. Lawrence."

"Call me Spencer," he looked at her, earnestly saying, "Remember that."

"... Spencer," the girl smiled, feeling a sense of closeness with him that would hopefully ease her nerves during the upcoming shoot.

"Let's go, it's our turn next," Spencer's expression softened as he stood up, his gaze still fixed on her face.

Sensing a different aura from the man, she finally relaxed a bit. "I'll do my best."

"I believe in you," he said. "Your aura suits the character of Zoe."

Meanwhile outside the door, Angel didn't want to feel embarrassed. She stormed into the lounge, slamming the door into Adelaide's hand in her rage.

Seating herself angrily on the couch, she questioned, "Why her?!" Recalling Spencer's dismissive attitude towards her, Angel felt a strong sense of injustice. "Why Summer?!"


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