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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1935

Chapter 1935: Spencer's Heartache

Summer looked at him in surprise, never expecting him to speak up like this. The director, too, was taken aback by Spencer's defense of her and immediately sensed his displeasure and discontent. Lightly tapping his heart, the director quickly shifted from a serious expression to a smile, "Spencer, that's not what I meant. You're right, we should encourage newcomers more."

"Action," the assistant director chimed in, "Take it slow." He helped diffuse the tension and hoped Spencer wouldn't blame anyone further. But the mood had been affected, making it difficult for everyone to shoot the scene well.

Spencer averted his gaze, taking steps forward to the shooting spot, with Summer trailing behind him. In the bright light, they truly looked like a perfect match, his handsome features complementing her beauty.

"Rolling!" The camera was ready, and the record button was pressed. Handsome Spencer slowly turned around, standing in front of the girl, gazing at her beautiful face-her white skin, her amber eyes, all bringing him joy.

Summer, bathed in his affectionate gaze, awaited his lines. But why wasn't he speaking? Did he forget his lines? Not just Summer, even the crew on set were puzzled.

As he stared at her, Spencer seemed lost in thought. Summer felt a bit strange being stared at for so long; she couldn't help but feel a little anxious, not daring to speak, simply meeting his intense gaze.

"I like you," Spencer told her, his voice sincere, not liking Zoe, but liking Summer. Did he slip up on a name?

Caught off guard by his sudden confession, Summer, thrown off her rhythm, hesitated for a few seconds before asking, "Do you really like me?"

"Yes," Spencer quickly responded. There were still lines left unspoken, how could he... did he add lines himself?

His words had completely thrown Summer's thoughts into disarray. Though she remembered her lines, facing this unexpected situation for the first time, her emotions were clearly out of place.


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