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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 2016

Chapter 2016: Awakening Love

Memories from high school flooded his mind as he found himself picturing moments spent with her...

Doing military training together on the playground, she would stand by his side, her flawless fair skin leaving a lasting impression on him...

Their homeroom teacher calling them to clean the office together...

She lending him her notes...

Her body leaning on his arm as Summer found herself unable to stand, and him, gazing into her eyes as if mesmerized...

All memories awakened, sparking a rush of dormant affection.

From this angle at the door, everything seemed flawless, could they even nail such a difficult scene in one take?

This scene, it's truly so beautiful!

Elisa's eyes shimmering with pink bubbles, Andrew's gaze filled with tenderness, and Spencer's eyes overflowing with love.

"Spencer?" Summer softly called out his name, bringing him back to reality.

Spencer snapped out of it, quickly grabbing her shoulder to carefully help her up.

Then, he released her, speaking to her in a seniors' tone, "Looks like you're pretty familiar with this scene."

The girl glanced at him, withdrew her gaze, and said nothing.

"How's your foot?" The man's eyes fell on her ankle, showing concern, "Did you actually twist it?"

When their eyes met again, the girl shook her head, "No."

Spencer's eyes softened, a slight smile on his lips, feeling happy... He was holding his Summer, feeling as if they were in a different world.

At that moment, the director appeared at the door, "Elisa, Andrew, what are you two doing hiding by the door?"



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