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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 2017

Chapter 2017: Spencer's Encouragement

Spencer had read the script long ago and had already considered the kissing scenes. So, without seeking his partners' opinions, he faced the director's gaze and directly responded, "Of course, let's use a double."

He hardly needed to think about it, and there was no trace of selfishness in his decision.

Although Summer was a newcomer to playing the lead role and entering the entertainment industry - and had never filmed a kissing scene before, she was still slightly surprised to hear his words.

A man who changed girlfriends as often as he changed clothes actually had such cleanliness standards? From a man's perspective, did he recoil from kissing?

The director understood his meaning and nodded, "Good." Then, he looked at the two actresses, "Angel, Summer, what are your thoughts?"

What thoughts could they possibly have? If the male lead requested to use a double for the kissing scene, could they refuse?

Making it seem like they both wanted to kiss him so badly!

"I also think using a double is a good idea," Summer replied softly, "After all... kissing is just a form of intimacy between couples, meant for couples only."

The director nodded approvingly, noting her innocence, before shifting his gaze to Angel's face. Before he could ask again, Angel, with a smile, shared her perspective, "If using a double can make the scene better, then that would be ideal. However, as actors, sometimes we should have the spirit of sacrifice to give the audience a real story."

The director, thoughtful, nodded, "Let's film using a double first and see the result." Then, he stood up, addressing the three leads, having gathered their thoughts.

As he turned to leave, he added a small suggestion, "The recent shooting schedule has been intense. If possible, all of you should stay at the hotel arranged by the crew, to save time on commuting and have more rest."

"Okay," Spencer replied gently as he stood up, "Thank you for your concern, Daniel." He was still a very pleasant person.

"Let's get ready to shoot. If there is nothing else, let's go to the set."


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