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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 2024

Chapter 2024: Spencer's Heart Returns Swiftly

Standing by the window, Spencer's deep gaze fixed on the night outside. Even as the hour grew late, he felt no hint of sleep creeping in. Pulling out his phone, he opened Agnes' post, hoping to capture some traces of his sister Summer...

To his delight, his sister's posts were all public. And so, he began scrolling through them one by one...

Whenever he came across a photo of his sister with Summer, he would pause to look a little longer, studying the caption and time with care. He would immerse himself in that moment, that second, to feel what state of mind Summer was in, what emotions she was experiencing...

As he scrolled further back, three years had slipped by in the span of two hours...

Fortunately, Agnes was a girl who loved posting, and Spencer felt that his little sister was a spirited soul.

Bubu Loves Cat.

Did his sister really love cats? Girls who loved animals were always kind-hearted.

The next morning, everyone woke up early, all roused by the same alarm. While Spencer may have lacked sleep, with Summer as his antidote, his spirits were always at their peak.

After breakfast, makeup done, outfits changed, everyone arrived on set.

The director had read through the script twice that morning, his emotions simmering to perfection. "Spencer, Angel, get ready. Let's head to the mountain top for the kissing scene, the rain is about to come."

Angel held the script in her hands, looking over the lines once more, already committed to memory.

Spencer stood nearby, hands in pockets, confident in the plot but dreading the moment, even if it was just a staged kiss with Angel, he couldn't help but feel repulsed.

Soon, the crew ushered the two leads onto the set, along with their agents and assistants as Tristan and Zoe had a mountain climbing confession scene that day.

The weather was perfect, about to change just as described in the script...


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