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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 2025

Chapter 2025: The Borrowed Kiss

"Alright, let's begin filming," the director sat in his chair, watching the screen in front of him, holding the walkie-talkie and announcing, "Everyone, get ready. 3, 2, 1, action!"

Everyone rooted themselves at the foot of the mountain, this slope not too steep, with steps. Two people walked side by side, appearing on the screen, heading towards the steps.

The photographers followed behind.

Along this path, the two had no dialogue, but the shots captured the complex feelings in their hearts, as well as their subtle side profiles.

Male lead Tristan mistakenly fell in love with Zoe after losing his memory, but once his memories returned, it all seemed like a dream, a nightmare owing to two girls.

Zoe had already fallen in love with him, unable to extricate herself from this love.

He just wanted to find an opportunity to explain to her, to apologize... because he realized he was deeply in love with Riverflow... his love for that girl had already penetrated deep into his bones, even though sometimes she was as stubborn as a hedgehog.

But Tristan still wanted to marry her.

Today's mountain climbing was Zoe's invitation, she said this would be the last time they meet alone.

After reaching the mountaintop, there was lush green grass underfoot.

There were no tall trees blocking the view, the surroundings were wide open, with some wildflowers swaying in the wind, their colorful variety particularly beautiful.

The gusts of mountain wind carried the scent of flowers in the air...

Standing on the mountaintop, looking out at the distant city felt great, standing against the wind, everything in front of him suddenly became clear.

Tristan looked into the distance, standing confidently with hands behind his back, his eyes deep, as if filled with burdens, avoiding.


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