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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 919

Chapter 919 Before Jail

In the Saunders family, in the study on the second floor.

Clarence put the phone on the desk, took out a cigarette from the cigarette box, lit it up and anxiously took a puff.

The smoke blurred his vicissitudes face.

In recent days, he hadn't slept well and was in low spirits. Clarence had lost much weight.

His daughter's wedding was just around the corner and he had guessed countless times when and where would Ivan arrest him.

In his workspace?

At home?

On the road?

Would he have him arrested right after the wedding?

Or would he spare him for a few more days?

These questions lingered in his mind, giving him a heavy pressure. He could not escape, if he escaped now, his daughter's wedding would be ruined.

In fact, for Clarence, one more day of freedom was equal to one more day of suffering. He felt like living inside a cage.

Maybe only in prison could he finally sleep soundly.

Downstairs in the kitchen, the chefs were busy. Shirley specially asked them to make a few dishes that Finnley loved.

"Ma'am, you are really considerate. You have never even asked his preferences," Paula praised her.

Shirley relied with a smile, "He will spend a lifetime with Mya and I need to know his preferences. I'm sure he will love these dishes, make more of them."

"Yes, ma'am," said Paula. "It's hot in the kitchen, you should wait in the living room. I will watch it for you."

Shirley looked inside, "Thank you then, Paula. Remember not to put any ginger."


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