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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 920

Chapter 920 Talk with A Father

"Miss Saunders, Mr. Russell!" Paula walked out of the kitchen and looked at the happy family with joy, "Lunch is ready, you may sit down and talk at the dinner table now."

"Thank you, Paula. Let's go have lunch."

Then they walked to the dining room. There were a lot of dishes, half of them were Finnley's favorite, and the other half, Mya's favorite.

The atmosphere was festive, as if the air was filled with happiness. Finnley said that someone would deliver the wedding dress here soon and Mya was looking forward to it.

After lunch.

Everyone came to the living room again, Clarence put his arms around Mya's shoulder and said, "Mya, come upstairs with dad, dad has something to say to you."

At such a close distance, Mya immediately smelled tobacco on him.

As she went upstairs with him and they were passing the corner of the stairs, she whispered, "Dad, when did you start smoking?"

"You smelled it?" He had used perfume before he came downstairs just now.


They went into the study. Clarence did not continue to explain and Mya did not ask more questions.

He walked to the window and leaned against the desk, holding his daughter's hand. "Mya, how do you feel about getting married?"

"Like a dream," Mya shrugged and smiled, "I feel grown and that time flies."

"Yes. You will be a grown woman now," Clarence sighed, "You will have to learn to face whatever obstacles in life, so that you can be strong. You shouldn't feel desperate because there are a lot more people who are living much more miserable lives."

"What?" Mya didn't get what he was talking about.

"Just keep my words in mind."


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