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Surrender to the don's embrace (Gio and Millie) novel Chapter 9


As the aunts left, my sister, Harper appeared by my side, her red hair contrasting beautifully with her mint dress. She opened a box to reveal a stunning necklace adorned with diamonds and pearls set in intricate white gold threads. “Gio sure knows how to spoil you. This necklace and headpiece probably cost more than most people's houses!”

From downstairs, we could hear the sounds of laughter and chatter from the guests in the garden, occasionally accompanied by a clunking sound.

“What's that noise?” I asked, trying to distract myself from the overwhelming thoughts.

Harper walked to the window and peered outside. “The men are stashing away their guns in plastic boxes.”

“How many guns are they hiding?” I inquired.

Harper raised an eyebrow, “One each. Why do you ask? Just wondering why they feel the need to put on a show like that,”

I replied. “It's symbolic,” Feeling the weight of the whole situation, including this wedding, pressing on me.

Harper seemed puzzled, “But if they all want peace, why not attend unarmed? It’s a wedding, after all.”

I hesitated before admitting, “There have been incidents before – red weddings, they call them. I've seen pictures of a wedding where the bride's dress was soaked in blood.”

Sienna shuddered, worried, “That won’t happen today, right?”

Trying to reassure them, I said, “I don't think so. Chicago and New York need each other too much. They won't risk bloodshed while the Bratva and Taiwanese are still threats.”

Harper snorted, clearly unimpressed, “Well, that's somewhat comforting, I guess.”

“It is. At least for today, we know everyone will behave,” I tried to sound more confident than I felt.

Harper embraced me from behind, her chin resting on my bare shoulder, “We could still run, you know. Sneak out while everyone's busy. Gio wouldn't notice.”

Sienna agreed eagerly, getting up from the bed to support the idea.

However, I shook my head, “It's too late for that now.”

“Nonsense! We can figure something out,” Harper urged.

“If I break the agreement, there will be bloodshed. They'll seek retribution," I explained, feeling the weight of the situation bearing down on me.

Harper's frustration was evident, “They all have blood on their hands! Every fucking single one of them out there!”

“Don't curse,” I reminded her out of habit.

Harper mocked our father, "Where did behaving like an obedient lady get you? Straight into the arms of one of the deadliest men in the country."

Her words stung, and I looked away. She was right, my obedience had led me here.

“Sorry, I didn't mean it like that,” Harper apologized, realizing her mistake.

Taking her hand in mine, I reassured her, "It's alright. You have a point. Many people in that garden deserve to face justice, but they're still family, and there are innocents too, like Karsen."

Harper's bitterness seeped through her words, "Karsen won't stay innocent for long. Soon, he'll become a killer."

I couldn't deny it, "You're right. His initiation starts at twelve. Gio killed his first man when he was just eleven.”

“But he's still innocent now,” I insisted. “And there are other children and women caught up in this.”

Harper fixed her gaze on me through the mirror, her eyes searching for answers, "Do you truly believe any of us are innocent?"

Being born into our world meant being born with blood on your hands. With every breath we took, sin was engraved deeper into our skin. Born in blood. Sworn in blood like the motto of the New York Cosa Nostra.

“No,” I said firmly.

Harper flashed a grim smile, and Sienna walked over to the bed, picking up my veil attached to the headpiece. I bent my knees so she could fix it atop my head. She gently smoothed it out.

“I wish you were marrying for love. I wish we could giggle about your wedding night. I wish you didn't look so fucking sad,” Harper said fiercely.

The silence between us stretched. Sienna eventually nodded toward the bed. “Is this where you’ll sleep tonight?”

My throat tightened. “No, Gio and I will spend the night in the master bedroom.” I didn’t think I’d get much, if any, sleep.

A knock sounded, and I squared my shoulders, putting on my outside face. Leila and Kayla stepped in, followed by mother.

“Wow, Millie, you are gorgeous. Your hair looks like spun gold,” Kayla complimented. She was already wearing her bridesmaid dress, and the mint color looked gorgeous with her dark hair.


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