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Surrender to the don's embrace (Gio and Millie) novel Chapter 5


Father's lips tightened. "You are right. But as long as Millie remains under my roof until the wedding, and I'm unable to raise a hand against her, I'll find another way to make her obey." He directed his anger at Harper and struck her once more. "For every one of your wrongdoings, Millie, your sister will accept the punishment in your stead."

Suppressing my tears, I didn't look at either Gio or Father, masking my hatred from them until I could find a safer time to vent.

"Enrique, take Harper and Millie to their rooms and ensure they stay there," Father commanded. I resisted, not wanting Harper to be alone tonight, but Enrique insisted, reminding me of my father's authority.

As we made our way through the corridor and up the stairs, Harper revealed her hatred for them all, but I urged her to be cautious with her words in front of Enrique, as he remained loyal to our father despite his care for us.

In my room, I turned to Enrique, intending to ask him to let me comfort Harper, but he cautioned against it, reminding me not to provoke our father further.

"I need to help Harper with her lip," I argued.

Enrique shook his head gently. "It's nothing. You two together in a room always leads to trouble. Do you think it's wise to provoke your father any further tonight?" He closed Harper's door and nudged me towards my own room.

As I reluctantly entered, I turned to him once more. "Will you be guarding my door all night to ensure I don't sneak out again?" I challenged.

He smiled, patting my head affectionately. "Better get used to it. Now that Gio's put a ring on your finger, he'll make sure you're always guarded."

I shut the door, feeling trapped. Even from afar, Gio would control my life. I had hoped to continue as usual until the wedding, but now everyone knew what the ring symbolized. Spencer's severed finger was a warning, a signal of Gio's claim on me, and he would enforce it ruthlessly.

That night, I left the lights on, afraid that darkness would bring back haunting images of blood and severed limbs. The nightmares came anyway.


My breath formed clouds as it escaped my lips, a testament to the bitter cold of Chicago's winter. Despite my thick coat, the chill still pierced through. Along the pavement, I followed my mother toward the brick building housing the most luxurious wedding store in the Midwest. Enrique trailed closely behind, a constant shadow in my life. Another of my father's soldiers followed behind my sisters.

As we stepped through the revolving brass doors, the brightly lit interior welcomed us, and the owner, accompanied by her two assistants, greeted us warmly. "Happy birthday, Ms. Pearce," she said with a lilting voice.

Forcing a smile, I acknowledged her well wishes. Today was my eighteenth birthday, a day that should be filled with celebration. Instead, it only brought me closer to the inevitable marriage with Gio. It had been thirty months since I last saw him, the night he severed Spencer's finger. Since then, he had showered me with extravagant gifts, but our interactions were limited to those gestures. I had seen pictures of him with other women on the internet, but today, our engagement would be leaked to the press, and at least publicly, he wouldn't flaunt his affairs anymore.

I had no illusions about him being faithful; I knew he continued to sleep with other women. Strangely, I didn't care. As long as he had distractions, he might not think about me in that way.

The shop owner chimed in, breaking my thoughts. "Only six months until your wedding, if I'm not mistaken?" Her excitement was evident, knowing she stood to make a substantial profit from our union—the final union between the Chicago and New York mafia families. Money was of little concern.

I nodded, knowing that in 166 days, I would be exchanging one golden cage for another. My younger sister, Harper, shot me a disapproving look, but she wisely held her tongue. At sixteen and a half, she had learned to control her outbursts, mostly.

Chapter 5 1

Chapter 5 2


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