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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 118

Chapter 118 

When the door closed, Kevan set his cutlery down on the table

ArenBefore Dylan could finish his sentence, Kevan discarded all the remaining lood into the trash can, including the lobster he had 


Hey!Cylan exclaimed, but it was too late for him to step Kevan

If you don’t want to eat it, you can give it to me,Dylan complained

However, Kevan ignored him and cleaned the table with a cold expression. Once he was done, he put all the plates into the sink. Then, he 

turned on the lap and washed away the dirt on his hands

He pointed at the sink and told Dylan, You’re responsible for washing the dishes.” 

After saying that. Kevan went to take a shower. Dylan was still there when he came out, silting on the sola and watching TV. Kevan noticed that the sink was new empty

Kevan draped the lowel around his neck and asked impatiently, Why are you still here

Dylan crossed his legs and adopted a serious expression. I need to teach you a lesson,he declared

What lesson?” 

A lesson on how to pursue a woman.” 

There’s no need for that.Kevan turned to leave

Dylan quickly grabbed at his clothes to stop him from leaving as he asked. Do you want to be single forever

Kevan regarded him with a teasingly ambiguous expression and replied. I have you.” 

That comment made Dylan shudder in fear, and he promptly covered his chest in a protective gesture

Kevan laughed and proceeded to walk ahead. Tel me how to pursue a woman when you get a wile yourself.” 

Dylan almasi choked but swiftly found a reason to provoke him, Although I’m not experienced in love, I’m far more capable than you. At least I’m not stubborn and unwilling to express my true feelings. You can never pursue a girl like that!” 

Instantly, Kevan came to a hall and his gaze turned cold 

How do you know I never expressed my feelings?” 

His hands clenched into fists inside his pockets. It was because he had been disappointed before and lost the confidence to take the next step. Until he was certain of Larissa’s feelings, he wouldn’t take the initiative to express his feelings for her

Dylan was aware of their shared history from when they were younger but he never truly understood what Kevan had been through, Perhaps, he had underestimated the complexities of relationships. With a resigned sigh, he conceded, Alright then. No lesson from me

I’m going back.” 


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