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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 120

Chapter 120 

Alter a few days of bring on high alert Larissa never encountered Yvette again. She surmised that Yvette must have returned to Dartham. Larissa thought that Yvetle had probably leamed from the Hardy family that her disobedient daughter had finally received a deserving punishment. Although she was slightly hurt by the whole ordeal al the very least, her reputation wouldn’t be affected. Hence, she didn’t need to stay in Covenlord anymore.. 

While Travis fur erat was taking place, Larissa seized the opportunity to accompany Dylan to the courthouse. With Travis no longer alive, the need for a divorce dissipated. Nevertheless, Larissa had to address matters conceiring the house. Substantial evidence emerged, prompting the housing authorities to acknowledge their errors and declare the transfer procedures for Travisproperty as invalid. As a result, the ownership transfer was revised. designating Larissa as the rightful owner

The entire process was not without its challenges. Fortunately, Dylan was there to help her. Hence, the court expedited the trial proceedings, allowing for a swith resolution of this intri matter before the Hardy family could ask to divide the inheritance

As for the matrimonial assets. Larissa didn’t care for them. She knew well that she could never get those back and saw no point in expending her time and energy pursuing them

After returning to the house, she enlisted the services of a cleaning company to thoroughly clean the premises. She discarded everything that belonged to Travis, as well as a significant portion of her own possessions. Alterward, she gathered the remaining items and brought them back to Foxtai. Garden 

When she was done. She put the house up for rent with the help of a real estate agent. She hoped to generate some income through the 


Soon, the 22nd of the month arrived, Lucas swung by the hotel to inspect the decorat ons for his girlfriend’s birthday banquet. Alter that he went to Larissa’s office and invited her again to join the banquet tomorrow right

The latest work schedule was pasted on her office table. Larissa took a quick look and saw that it was her day off. So, she agreed to attend the bancurt. Like a child. Lucas couldn’t contain his excitement and reminded her before he left, Don’t forget you have to come tomorrow

On the attemoon of the 23rd, he even made a few calls to remind her about the time

Finally, on the night of October 23rd. Larissa wore the limited edition dress, a purchase she had made by commilling to be Kevan’s girlfriend for six months in exchange. The persistent wine stain was eventually eradicated after trying numerous methods

Not many people could afford to host a banquet at the Regal Dynasty Hotel. Furthermore, since it wasn’t a special holiday, this was the only hall used among the two levels of banquet halls in the hotel

Larissa approached the receptionist in the lobby and inquired about the location of the birthday banquet. Upon arrival she was greeted by a vibrant display of colorful balloons adorning the venue, and placed in the most conspicucus spot was a banner on the wall that read Happy Birthday.Yet, this was just the beginning, as even more wonderful surprises were in store

The banquet door swung open, and a steady stream of people began to enter. With each new arrival Larissa caught the sound of gasps

intensifying her curiosity even further

Just as she was about to enter, the waiter stopped her at the entrance. May I please have your name


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