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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 130

Chapter 130 

In the afternoon. Larissa was called into the office by her general manager. To her surprise, Lana was also there

Lana didn’t greet her warmly or approach her affectionately this time. Instead, she sat on the sofa, wearing a polite smile and exuding an air of elegance. The general manager, still unaware of their relationship, said to Larissa, I’d like to introduce you to the daughter of Mr. Seymour, the president of Cosmic Entertainment. She’s an esteemed guest at our hotel.” 

Larissa nodded and followed Lana’s suit of pretending not to know each other. She greeted politely. Nice to meet you. Ms. Seymour.” 

Lana mimicked her and replied. Nice to meet you too.” 

Ms. Seymour is from Bartham, and this is her first time in Covenford. She wants to spend a few days here, so please make arrangements to show her around and explore Covenford’s charm for the next two days.The general manager finally revealed the purpose of calling 


Larissa had previously thought that Lana was an inexperienced and naive young lady. She hadn’t anticipated Lana using her own status to exert pressure on her through the general manager. It seemed that she needed to reassess Lana as a person

Since it was a personal request from the general manager. Larissa had no choice but to reluctantly accept the task, saying. Okay.” 

Lana quickly took the opportunity and handed her phone to Larissa. Let’s exchange phone numbers so it will be easier to keep in touch.” 

Fine,Larissa reluctantly took out her phone and exchanged contacts with Lana 

As soon as Larissa lett, she received a message from Lana

Are you mad at me?Lana asked, followed by a sad emoji

Larissa glanced at it but didn’t respond

Not only did Lana fail to read the room, but she also continued to bombard her with a series of messages

Tm sorry, sis! I just wanted to spend more time with you. I didn’t mean to pressure you

if you’re unhappy, I can tell Mr. Compton right now that I don’t need you to bring me around Covenlord

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” 

Please forgive me

The string of notifications from her phone only made Larissa more annoyed

She unlocked her phone and replied insincerely. Im not angry.” 

Lana instantly replied. Really?” 

You’re the best

I like you the most! Numerous cute emojis accompanied this message

Larissa didn’t even bother to read the messages Lana sent. She immediately replied, Where do you want to go?” 

After a short pause, her phone vibrated again, and Lana’s message popped up. Tm line with any arrangements you make.” 

It made Larissa’s job easier since Lana had no specific requests

Larissa searched the internet, found a travel guide for a twodayonenight itinerary in Covenlord, and sent the link to Lana


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