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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 137

Chapter 137 

Alright.Intimidated by Kevan’s domineering aura, Lana’s intense emotions calmed down somewhat

Don’t hang up so that we can hear what’s happening on your end.Kevan continued

They heard a loud noise coming from the other end of the call as soon as he finished speaking

Immediately after, Lana screamed in terror. They’re inside the restroom!” 

In a panic, Larissa forgot Kevan’s earlier instructions. She grabbed his sleeve and hurdledly pulled him towards the restroom, exclaiming,Let’s go and save her now!” 

The very next second, Kevan pulled her back

Returning the phone to Larissa, he clamped his hands on her shoulders and bent down to meet her gaze. Listen to me. Go outside and stay in the car. I won’t let anything happen to Lana.” 

Kevan spoke with such certainty that Larissa couldn’t help but trust him. His steady gaze gradually calmed her pounding heart as she stared into his eyes 

Okay.She nodded

Kevan and Dylan returned to the restroom

The door to the restroom had been busted open, and two people stood guard at the entrance. The rest must have gone inside

Even from a distance, they could hear Lana’s cries for help and the unrestrained laughter of the men

Larissa, save me!” 

Calling for help is useless! However, if you call me daddy, maybe I’ll be gentler to you later!” 

Don’t come near me! Go away!” 

Kevan and Dylan exchanged a meaningful glance. Unanimously, they walked up to the women’s restroom

The two men guarding outside the restroom glanced over when they noticed Kevan and Dylan. Seeing that it was just two men, they didn’t pay much attention and continued minding their own business. However, it wasn’t until Kevan and Dylan approached them that they 

Looked up for a second time

Are you blind? Can’t you see that the men’s restroom is over there?One of them a rechead, cursed impatiently while taking a drag from 

his cigarette

He exhaled a cloud of pungent smoke in Kevan’s face. Smelling the strong smell of alcohol on his breath. Kevan took a step back in disgust. With one kick to the stomach, he brought the rechead to his knees

The redhead held his stomach, writhing and screaming in pain

The other man with green hair discarded his cigarette and swiftly snuffed it

You motherfucker- 

Before he could approach Kevan, Dylan grabbed his collar and threw him over his shoulder in one smooth move

The greenhaired man sprawled on the ground, grimacing in pain


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