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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 149

Chapter 149 

The massage oil had a strong pungent medicated scent that was rather repulsive

Kevan’s first thought was to get up, but Larissa’s warm touch on his back was so comfort ng that he decided to put up with the 

unpleasant smell 

Kevan closed his eyes and bit his lower lip instinctively, restraining himself from all thoughts of trying to escape

The expression on his lace twisted into a grimace, making Larissa think that she had applied too much force. She carefully reduced the 

pressure on his back 

Does it hurt?she asked Kevan 

Kevan shook his head, It doesn’t hurt at all” 

He had survived worse injuries, such as getting shot at er stabbed with a knife. A massage from her was nothing more than a mosquito 

bite, let alone painful

If it hurts, you must tell me! Larissa reminded him. She was truly worried about his injury. 

Coincidentally, Cyan heard this sentence when he opened the door and entered Kevan’s office. Immediately after, he saw Kevan hall- naked on the sola with Larissa bent over him. Naturally, his mind went into the gutter

Sorry!Dylan turned around in a hurry. I didn’t see anything. Just carry on.” 

Larissa froze for a moment before realizing Dyler’s misunderstanding. She shouted after him. Dylan, come back here” 

Once he grasped the situation. Dylan settled comfortably on the sofa, holding a sandwich in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. He was at ease, as if he was in his own home

It’s not my faultCylan defended himself for being so over the top earlier. You guys were in such a compromising position. Anyone would have misunderstood!” 

Kevan was putting on his shirt leisurely after Larissa covered the bruise with some gauze. He shot a disapproving glance at Dylan, suppressing his frustration at being interrupted during his private moment with Larissa. TII take you to the lounge,he said to Larissa

Then, he turned to Dylan. Have Howie order some takeout for me.” 

Howie was Kevan’s assistant

Takeout?Dylan stared at Larissa. Didn’t you say that Lana came all the way here to express her gratitude to Kevan? Since I have coffee and sandwiches, surely he would have something for lunch? By the way, I haven’t seen your sister. Where is she?” 

Lana’s cooking doesn’t suit Mr. Rogers’s taste. That’s why he asked her to go back to the hotel Larissa explained

What? Lana personally cooked lunch for him? Dylan pouted with a straw between his lips. She’s playing favorites between us!” 

Be content,Hands in his pockets, Kevan spoke nonchalantly, At least yours is still edible.” 

Dylan took a sip of coffee and nodded in acknowledgment, and his mood instantly ifted

Speaking of which, I saw a bag containing a lunch box inside. It’s in the trash bin pulside the presidential office. Could it be your sister’s?Dylan gave Kevan a sideeye. Did you say something nasty to her? She must have been so lulous to throw away the lood she made for 


Thanks to Dylan’s lip, Larissa found the bag easily. Inside were the insulated lunch box and thermos she lent to Lana

She resisted the urge to call Lana up and question her about the lood. Silently, Larissa discarded the untouched food and cleaned the 


While Larissa did all this, Kevan was standing next to her, He leaned against the wall of the restroom watching her quiety

Are you angry? Suddenly, Kevan spoke up


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