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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 203

Chapter 203 

Larissa was tempted to give Lana a standing ovation for her profound words and heartiell der beration

Great, Ill go with you.Larissa tumed off the TV and sat up enthusiastically. Let’s greet Mr. Cole and his family properly.” 

She was curious to see how Lana and Yvette would introduce her to the quests 

Jay Cole, the boss of Summer Entertainment, was nearly seventy years old

However, he look great care of his appearance

There was not a single strand of white hair on his head, and his face had very few wrinkles

Jay appeared younger and more energetic than mary middleaged men in their forlies and lillies

This could be seen from his recent marriage to a 23yearold model Annabell Willis, as his fourth wile

Working at the Regal Cynasty Hotel Larissa had the chance to come in contact with several production crew members and start working within the entertainment industry

Listening to the gossip that was spread among them, she knew a thing or two about ay

Jay had four public marriages and numerous mistresses in secret. However, despite nis infidelity for many years, he was very cautious when it came to contraception and never had any child out of wedlock 

Because of this, he only had one son Reuben Cole

Jay’s first wife gave birth to Reuben, which was why he was considered the heir to the lamiy

Indeed. Jay was grooming him to be the successor of his company


Reuben returned from his studies abroad, Jay arranged for him to join his compary as his secondincommand

The results proved that Jay had made the right move by betting on his son

Reuben graduated with outstanding results from a firstclass university abroad

Within two years of working at Summer Entertainment, he invested in and produced severa. hit TV shows

Furthermore, although Reuben had a handsome appearance, he never got himself involved in any scandals or gossip

He could almost be considered a perfect candidate for a future husband

Larissa had suspected that Yvette might be trying to dupe her into marrying another man, just like the previous incident

However, Reupen was such 

ich an outstanding man

Even if Yvette wanted him to be her soninlaw, it would he Lana who would marry him, not her

With that thought, Larissa cast aside her worries and followed Lana into Yvette’s room

When they entered, all four people standing at the fool of Yvette’s bed turned around to look at them

Larissa sized them up in return

The only woman among the four was clearly Annabel, Jay’s young wife. The man she was leaning against must be Jay himself

On the other side of Jay were two young men, one fall and handsome, and the other short and slump

Larissa recognized the tall and handsome one as Reuben. He had appeared on televis on a few times

As for the short and plump one, she had not heard of such a person in the Cole larrily

The second Larissa entered the room, she noticed the plump man staring at her with his small beady eyes

His burning gaze was lived on her every move, making her squirm uncomfortably

Jay was the first to speak



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