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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 218

Chapter 218 

When they reached the bottom of the stairs, a loud thud came from upstairs as if something heavy had fallen to the ground

Mom!Lana cried in desperation Larissa, come back quickly! Mom fainted” 

If she fainted, call an ambulance. What use am 1? Larissa did not fall for their trap again

From the first floor, Xavier ordered his staff, Stop her!” 

Mrs. Harris, who was closest, rushed forward, but Kevan grabbed her arm and flung her aside, causing her to hit the wall and let out a loud groan. The subsequent people who followed. experienced the same outcome, to the point that the other servants were too scared to approach and kept their distance

Larissa, with Kevan’s help, left the Seymours with no obstacles

Kevan’s car was parked outside the courtyard, a black Maybach with a Bartham license plate and 

the number 8888 

Larissa thought to herself about how wealthy and mighty Kevan was

Do you have your ID with you?Kevan asked her 

Larissa took out her ID from the pocket of her jeans, “I have it.” 

That was the only thing she had when Xavier brought her back from Covenford. In order to be able to escape at any time, she made sure to keep her ID in her pocket whenever she changed clothes It proved to be a wise decision 

If you don’t have any other business to attend to, let’s go to the airport now for the earliest flight 

back to Covenford,Kevan said

Okay.Larissa couldn’t ask for more

After the excitement of successfully escaping from the Seymours subsided, she calmed down and 

asked Kevan, How did you end up at the Seymours?” 

She had asked him this question, but his answer sounded like a lie to him

I want to hear the truth,she emphasized

Kevan raised an eyebrow, a small smirk appearing on his lips. What I said before was the truth.” 

Larissa didn’t believe him

Even if he really couldn’t contact her and was worried, there was no need for him to fly all the way 

from Covenford to find her. Their relationship wasn’t worth such trouble

Forget it if you don’t believe me.Kevan didn’t intend to convince her

But youhe glanced at her sideways. Weren’t you determined to cut off all ties with the Seymours? Why did you come back to Bartham?” 

I was brought back by my stepfather,Larissa told him about everything Xavier had done. He said my mom is in the late stages of uterine cancer and forced me to come back to see her. But

Chapter 218 


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