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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 272

Chapter 272 

Edmund had no clue about being discreetperhaps due to his inherently carefree nature or simply not caring about external opinions. In the span of a single attemoon, he made two visits to Larissa’s office. Although their interactions were workrelated, Larissa could easily discem through the transparent glass that several employees from the marketing department had been stealing glances and peeking inside during their breaks

Larissa purposely left the blinds open and even left the door slightly ajar to avoid any misconceptions, showcasing her innocence regarding Edmund. However, he remained completely oblivious to all of this

Their conversation carried on until the end of the workday. Edmund was aware that Larissa resided in the hotel, so he took the opportunity to invite her to have dinner together. Feeling helpless. Larissa had no choice but to decline, citing her desire to lose weight and skip dinner. Edmund didn’t suspect anything and merely displayed a hint of disappointment

Exhausted, Larissa returned to her room. As soon as she opened the door, she found Kevan already waiting in the living room. He leaned against the couch, casually resting his legs on the coffee table while holding a transparent highball glass in one hand. He was gently swirling his wrist, and the liquid inside the glass swayed: a drop splattered onto his pristine white shirt, leaving a dark red stain

Unfazed by this mishap, Kevan appeared unperturbed

The 65inch LCD TV displayed shopping advertisements that lacked any real substance. Though his gaze remained fixed on a certain 

spot, his eyes lacked focus. When he heard the sound of the door opening, he turned his head slightly. Larissa collided with his deep

bottomless gaze, momentarily getting lost in the whirlwind of complex emotions within. It took her a while to regain her composure

What’swhat’s wrong with you?” she cautiously inquired

He merely took a sip of his drink, and the remnants of wine staining his lips a deep red. Then, he narrowed his eyes and subtly pursed his lips. His tone dripped with sarcasm as he uttered, Did you forget everything I told you last night?” 

Larissa was caught off guard but quickly realized that he must have heard rumors about her growing too close to Edmund

No,she hurriedly explained, Mr. Rogers and I, I mean, your cousin. It’s purely professional interaction at work.” 

*Does professional interaction at work involve sharing meals and spending the entire afternoon alone in the office?Kevan’s gaze darkened while his voice tinged with coldness. He made it evident that he didn’t believe her, leaving Larissa feeling a mix of annoyance 

and powerlessness

You’re entitled to think whatever you want,she replied helplessly, her imitation palpable


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